Post by: Scott Carpenter
I left everyone hanging with a teaser about the cryptids that moved into my research area last year. I will “let the cat or better dog out of the bag” and tell my story.
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Still Capture of the Dogman on 05/22/2011 (This is not from the HD footage) |
To my horror about five feet behind me was standing a
creature of myth! These things just do not exist, this cannot be! I replayed
the video over and over. My mind did not want to process what my eyes were
seeing. There was no doubt it was real. It moved several times in reaction to
me turning my shoulders and when I did turn around it ducked down! I finally
had to admit to myself I had HD footage of a “Dogman” less than five feet
behind me!
I stepped through the footage a frame at a time. The snout
clearly visible, the nostrils moving and wet as it was breathing! The right eye
was plainly visible and moving! It was watching me! It could have taken me out
anytime it wanted too. I had no clue it was within arms or claws reach of me!
I showed the video to some trusted friends and respected
Bigfoot researchers. The reactions were mixed. Some did not want to deal with
it, others were ecstatic and could not believe it. The most common comment I
received was “wow, if you had a close up of a Bigfoot like that you’d be rich!,
to bad it’s a Dogman”.
It became clear that most were not ready for the reality of
the Dogman. We are all so consumed with Bigfoot, hair collection, getting video
footage, and DNA that we frankly did not know what to do with this thing. A cryptid
no one really wanted to deal with.
The main concern was and still is that this would “muddy the
water” or be a detractor from the DNA Study. We are trying to “scientifically
prove” the existence of Bigfoot and then this Dogman literally pops its head
This is why I am extremely reluctant to release video and
still captures at this time. I am being totally honest with you on this. I’m
not trying to pull a fast one or be like the others that promise footage never
to produce it! In hindsight I should have never mentioned it in my YouTube
video, but I was trying to give the viewer the full story of my research area
and when, where, and why. That is why I said it was a “teaser”. I wanted you to
know I had other cryptids interfering with my research. It is hard to stuff
this genie back in the bottle! My blog post on 06/27/2012 was an attempt to
give the informed follower hints to the cryptids identity.
The story gets even better because these Dogmen were not
content to just stand behind me. On May 22nd, 2011 I was back in
this area, firearm at the ready, as I was putting up some hair traps and
setting out bacon in a jar. The bacon in a jar was an attempt to get
fingerprints. I had the lid on tight but had cut holes in the lid so the smell
of fresh bacon was heavy in the air.

I slowly begin to back out, running attack scenarios through
my head. “If he charges on all fours stay calm aim for the head and shoulders, stay
calm, squeeze off the shots deliberately, if he is on two legs center mass”. I
was convinced I was going to be attacked! To my surprise I was able to back out
of the area without incident. My wife
had dropped me off on this day, needless to say I called her to come get me
immediately and she found me already on the road out of the area, walking fast,
gun still drawn, “white as a sheet” as she put it.
This is why I no longer go into that area alone and unarmed.
That was the first time in my life since my military service I felt my life was
in imminent danger!
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Claw Mark On Tree |
I went back the following week and found that the Dogman had
jumped up on the side of a tree so it could look at me above the thick cover. I
found the bark had been torn off the tree and there were deep “claw” marks in
the tree.
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Dogman in National Park |
I thought this was the last time I would hopefully encounter these Dogmen, but later that year in June 2011 my back trail camera again caught a Dogman watching me from behind. This time I was in the National Park. I am sure the Park Service would not be happy if this news got out! This time the Dogman was farther away and well hidden.
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Close Up Dogman in National Park |
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Negative of Dogman |
So there it is, the full story and my reasons why I am keeping the videos and most of the still captures private for now. I think I have given you enough to know I am not pulling some sort of “bait and switch”. In time after the DNA study is published more will be forth coming.
Scott, is it your belief the BF don't like these cryptids? Did you notice any coyotes in the area? Did you see if it was on 2 legs ever? Maybe, you should contact Loren Coleman about this, he's well versed in this type of cryptid. I have so many questions, I hate having to wait for the DNA study.
ReplyDeleteYes we have coyotes, one behind me was on two legs, on peeking around the tree actually jumping up on the side of the tree, have footprints (yesterdays blog) Already talked to Loren and Linda Godfrey
DeleteI met Linda Godfrey at a book signing a few
Deleteyears back. For those who don't know of her
she wrote The Beast Of Bray Road dealing with the dogman. You can place her in the
Good People list.
You can bet your last dollar there will be a few loud mouth "computer researchers" who will have something to say.
ReplyDeleteLet them come, they do not have a leg to stand on, for once I do have the "money shot" :-)
DeleteAnd I'm so happy for you that you do!
DeleteMaybe it was stuff like this that scared Rex Dutton away.
ReplyDeleteI've seen these dog-looking creatures in videos by others, but they weren't the subject, so were dismissed, missed or ignored.
Well Scott, it seems to me that they may have been also watching you the whole time without any harm to you - until you spotted them in video later, which caused fear to set in.
I have been attacked by dogs twice in my life, simply because I feared them and they knew it. These dogs were fine with everyone else around me at the time - I had no reason to fear them. But my fear acted like an invitation for them to do exactly as I feared.
From what I understand, bigfoot can pick up your vibrations and know your intentions toward them. They can also cause you to feel certain ways with infrasound. Maybe these dogmen have the same abilities.
What I'm trying to say, I guess, is have no fear so you don't attract something to fear. Emit peace and curiosity and continue the way you were before you discovered them.
Of course, I realize that's really easy to say from the comfort of my office!
I am for sure looking forward to your whole bag of goodies when you feel the time is right.
I know of a certain brown bear researcher and
Deletehis girlfriend that could give you some argument about peace and curiosity. That is if they were still around. They don't call wild animals that for fun. Respect them, observe them, enjoy them but always remember
you are but a guest in their home. Don't stay
for dinner.
LOL or you might be dinner. ;)
DeleteWell Pilgrim, I certainly am amazed - what other creatures are roaming the thickets and hollers of North America. This raises a million questions and I don't even know what the right ones are. You are one of the most credible and trustworthy researchers I know of and quite frankly this is quite disturbing and relieving at the same time. Fear God, not men, let alone Dogmen! Be careful out there.
ReplyDeleteHi Scott, I suspected this from the minute you mentioned it and then thought I knew for sure when you had the footprint photo yesterday.
ReplyDeleteA long time ago I contacted the group in Michigan who were researching them and they were so nice to reply back to me.They had their suspicions on their origins and if it was what they thought we'd never know publicly about it.
What concerns me is that it appears they've migrated south now.This does not surprise me at all. Just watch out for a visit from the MIB.
I'm pretty sure this is one of the things that's scared a few people analyzing others films.I know I've thought I've seen them a few times.
I suspect there are a couple of other cryptids out there in this world just maybe not in your area. People have to open their minds and understand that there's so much we don't know.
Pay close attention to your intuition and please listen to your instinct. I don't think these animals are as smart as the Biggies but more vicious.
Scott, this is fantastic and unbelievable at the same time. What are these entities??? Have you read Dave Paulides latest two books, Missing 411 western and eastern united states?? It kind of makes you wonder if theres some connection here!! These shots are absolutely amazing. I cant wait for you to release the rest of this enigma. Ive followed you since day one, and find your work and methods completely engrossing, and also found you to be a level headed sincere gentleman who comes across as totally honest and hard working. Not a hoaxing con-man. I always kept an open mind, but thank you for turning me into a believer. Be safe out there my friend and many thanks for being generous enough to take us all along on this amazing thrill ride with you.....
ReplyDeleteI agree with rsr423 and yes I have both of the Missimg 411 books. Required reading for
Deleteall. And brian wells I agree that there are
different types of bigfoot. Since this is Scott's show I'll let him lead us down the path of discovery.
Ive said a million times before on different websites that ipersonally think there are differenttypes of Bigfoot.we don't know what these creatures are no mater what ppl say there are no experts in this feild
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI know Rex Dutton pretty well and this is the kind of stuff that made him shut down.
ReplyDeleteThere are more and more different kinds of Cryptids. I beleive there are 20-50 different
kinds of Bigfoot and Dogman is one of them.
BUT with ALL DUE RESPECT Scott I couldn't see Squatch in those stills. If you have the MONEY SHOT as you say, then just show ONE still that is recognizable and IN FOCUS! PLEASE! You have emerged as one of my favorite researchers. As a Scientist I find you put more methodology into your work that alot of others, But please on this one could you show us just one that is easy to see? I am excited for you and stay safe out there.
in his video hooting from long ago, i have a still shot from his video that i think is just wild,ive shown it once online on facebook, got really no reaction except people think its not real, and i pulled this myself from his video, when i found (it) i didnt timestamp where in the video, was when i was teaching myself software and was stupid and didnt timestamp where. its very CLEAR, and somewhat different looking. since the begining , i have found many things in many videos, a few are just absolutely unbelieveable and clear, with detail, ive kept most of the good stuff to myself, and have sent a few out to a couple of researchers
Deleteif you would like to see this one clear still i have from scotts video, i will share,i emailed scott once, but didnt get a reply, so i let it
I want to see it! Can you post it to Ohio Grassman on fb?
DeleteHi lita, could you send it to I would love to take a look at it.... Thanks Robbie.
DeleteIs scott going to be back? He was my fav. Educational. I live in Alaska, yea, dogmen spotted here. Right when I was ok w/ squatches.....
DeleteVery interesting. Would like to see something a little less on the blurry side. I had a firm disbelief in these creatures. Starting to sway-but need something to push me over. Good research tho! Good luck in the future!
ReplyDeleteWerewolves are not cool! Very dangerous situation..Make sure you have adequate firepower and "custom" ammo! I don't think they will limit themselves to the area you described...I could never harm a bigfoot...Dogman...oh hell no! Blast 'em! Let's see the wetnose close-up ...scares me just thinking about it!
ReplyDeletejb,can you just post a clear part of a still shot? That will be very interesting to talk about.
ReplyDeleteGreat work Scott! Thank you for sharing your research with us. I realize that you are under no obligation to do so. It's your work. With that said I'm VERY grateful that you are making it available!
ReplyDeleteI actually live in the same town as you and so have a special interest in your work. So now I not only have Squatches running around my town but Dogmen? Unbelievable. I no longer tell my children,"There is no such things as monsters." Instead, I sit with my children in front of the screen and learn about them from your videos. This is the world in which I now live! Lol
I'm sure you have thought of this, but if your 'money shot' is that good, I would have multiple copies in different locations and a plan to get it public fast if need be. I'd hate to see a park ranger or a TVA officer (or some other mib) confiscate that video. Just a thought. Be safe and keep up the excellent work!
Scott, Awesome work. Thank you for coming forward with this information. I have heard of these creatures but until had never seen one. I hope you will release that video in the near future. Do you think the Bigfoot's are afraid of them or just don't like them. Thanks again and stay safe out there.I hope you will reply.
ReplyDeleteThis story just completely intrigued me and I'm dying to know more. I'm not going to pester you for the HD video and Pics. When ever you are ready. Great work.
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck is a dogman? If you won't release a better photo at this time, could you sketch it? Nobody laugh: Do you think they are demonic in nature from the underworld? Just seems like more and more unknown-type creatures are being seen lately. A lot of old artwork shows a lot of strange creatures which we have taken for granted as myth. I will have to do some biblical research and Hebraic study to figure out if these are creatures have been foretold for the last days.
ReplyDeleteAllowing for evolution, global migration,
Deleteclimate change, stock market crashes, mad cow
disease, chicken pox and athele's foot the
Book Of Revelation should have what you are
looking for. Though I could find no references to the dogman
Please forgive my getting right to the point but where do you think the plague afflicting koala's (Chlamydia) came from? Colonialism rearing it's invasive head...yuck...
DeleteOld're pretty funny and you think you're pretty smart, or so you think. And IndianWmn Clark...can't figure out what you're talking about at all...sounds more like something out of Picasso painting.
DeleteJackie, my humor is a poor attempt at dealing with the fact that you may be right about the end of days. The appearance of the
Deletedogman can't have anything good connected to it. As for being smart no one has ever used smart and me in the same sentence. I'm
just an old,fat,crippled,tabacco chewing redneck with too much time on his hands.
The more you know, the more you will realize you dont know.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that anon at 8:41 am. The Native Americans were so close to nature, respected it and lived in peace with nature and the unknown.
DeleteWe destroy everything we come in contact with.
On a lighter & my fiancee are sitting side by side (each on our own computors & @ one point a few minutes ago he read a post by blondie & said whoa babe r u sure ur not blogging as blondie...she sounds like you...ennywayz...I read this post by you anonymous & was thinking amen..only to look down & see blondies reply...yikes...caused this here brunette to do a double take....i suppose I should stop messing around (playfully but with respect I swear)...I'm thinking of applying the 'closed systems theory" to our blog here & getting waaaaaay serious...just need a couple nanosec's to blow the virtual dust off my largely dormant gre(a)y matter...srry to ramble folks...just firing up these here long unused marvels...
DeleteLOL IndianWmnClark, I take that as a compliment. I'm seriously thinking bout changing from Blondie to my name Emily.
DeleteLooking forward to hearing more.
Pretty alarming to think one was standing right behind you without you knowing it. Obviously they are not worried about hiding as the big guys are. Is there a danger to other people that might be using those trails unknowingly? Hate to see someone get hurt. Not sure your big friends would come to your rescue.
ReplyDeleteSasquatch I can get my head around as a possible split somewhere up the gene pool.
Dogman raises a LOT of questions ..none of which are very good when Followed through. Dogman does not seem to fit a "Natural" conclusion but a deliberate genetic modification...or (cough) spirit being.
You have had over a year to ponder and theorize and look everyday into that face...Throw some ideas out there..
Thanks for sharing your story, hair raising..pun intended! I am sure there is some "Samurai chatter" going around your BF research circle about this!
Boy Scott, did you let the genie out of the bottle?
ReplyDeleteJust been trawling the "Bigfoot Evidence" website, and I noticed this very same article of Scotts run in with the "Manwolf"... Do you know that there were 56 comments after the article, and every single one is either bad mouthing the picture, bad mouthing the article or bad mouthing Scott himself. Calling him a hoaxer, amongst other down right rude remarks. I didnt realise till just what a small and narrow minded audience that website actually has. I was always taught to keep an open mind and find this subject absolutely amazing. I find Scotts videos and research totally engrossing. After following the progress for 3 years now I can honestly say that I find the man to be honest, methodical in his work and very sincere. I for one would find my Sasquatch, cryptid creature experience a lot duller and not quite as exciting if Scott decided not to share this captivating journey with us......Thank you and Bravo Scott.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, RSR423, there are far to many closed-minded, oblivious folks out there to see what's really our there.
DeleteThere are more supporting for scott and his education, than those that make fun exposing themselves as fools. I hope they do not get him down. If you read this, sc, head up. You have lots support. Is this why you have not posted for awhile....cuz of dogmen. This is all confusing. Did they chase off the squatches? WILL Squatche's protecT you?
DeleteSorry, these photos provide nothing in the way of evidence.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous opinions are considered evidence of trolls. No one cares about your critique. Try hiring a paparazzi or a film crew to satisfy your special needs.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow thats amazing Scott! I was a 19Delta in the Army(Cav Recon), what were you my friend?
ReplyDeleteI told all my coworkers about you and they said they would pass it on! Take care, "This Scouts OUT"!
Time to check in brotha' All your bloggers are waiting to hear what is going on..
ReplyDeleteI see nothing other than a blurred image with an account that offers to explain it ...
ReplyDeleteGood news! The full moons in March and May 2011 fell on the 19th and 17th ..respectfully...So I am thinking we can rule out supernatural explanation..
ReplyDeleteSo I am guessing a dawn or dusk expedition is a little too tough on the nerves? I for one could surely understand that! Curious in Texas!
Sorry. but not seeing it.....
ReplyDeleteAny more Dogmania to report? We are still sorta hanging..
ReplyDeleteScott, all I can say is that this article has got my arms covered in goosebumps, and hesitant to go out in the field. I doubt that you'll say specifically, but can I ask where this is? At least the state, please? And well done, please stay safe out there. I'm VERY anxious to hear more on this subject, thank you for taking the time to post this.
ReplyDeleteGuess I am late even considering digman. But I now carry bear spray. Accidentally sprayed myself. Glad it wasn't a gun. My thought. Bear spray gives one a disabled creature able to flee. A gun shot invites a fight for survival. Any thoughts Scott on that?
ReplyDeleteOne of the best things to use to scare any animal away is
ReplyDeleteone of those portable air horns.They are so much better than bear spray, you don't have to aim it, and is effective at greater distances.
Scott was wondering if you can have some the people who saw your footage elaborate on it ?
Do you think in the near future you will release it to the public ? Thx in advance.
Typical garbage article stereotypical of "all hype, and no substance" nothing but teasers to non-existent material.
ReplyDeleteScott and other readers...take a look at the Dogman in the National Park photo. Scott has it set to enlarge when you click on it. Once it's enlarged look just to the right of the top big square you'll see another strange face. Also look to the right of that square at what looks like a large hallow tree or something and you can see a couple "dogs" that look sort of Doberman like. the eyes look just like the one Scott has highlighted expt with these you can see the snout,too. Pareidolia, you be the judge...hummm somethings really strange out there. Boy Scott, the plot thickens every day I return to this blog!!!
ReplyDeleteOops...I meant, Also look to the "LEFT" of the top big yellow square...sorry folks!
ReplyDeleteNew here. And want to say Congrats on this..truly amazing. Can't wait to see what's next.
ReplyDeleteGrowing up in East Tn I heard stories of the dogman, God only knows what all is out there, waiting.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to seeing the "money shot".
Interesting post from Oregon Bigfoot archives - possibly a dogman? "Without a doubt she described the face of an angry, oversized wolf":
ReplyDeleteMr. Carpenter, if you truly have HD footage of the unknown animal which you described, release it! Just because most people are focused on Sasquatch, doesn't mean you shouldn't release the footage. If it shows a new species that is like what you described, then you would become very famous. Please release it, as it may be an important zoological discovery. PLEASE Mr. Carpenter, if you have this then share it. If you would like to contact me further and share anything, email me at
ReplyDeleteI saw a Dogman before I even knew they existed. I thought at the time it was a BF just a little different looking.Now that I understand what I saw and thus realize that they really exist scares me badly, much more than any BF sighting has ever scared me.
ReplyDeleteI've heard of the Dogman, and always thought he was a figment of someone's imagination. Then I began thinking..(watch out *LOL*)...Since we have had the ability to do DNA, and we have cloned many animals, it's not out of the realm of possibility that there may have been some cloning going on here. Maybe something gone awry. Sorta scary thoughts, for sure. Anxiously awaiting the full pictures.
ReplyDeleteI live in Michigan and have had the pleasure of getting to know many people from some of the different native Tribes here. The Ojibwe, Odawa and others, one of the stories you here is about the shapeshifters. These are people who have the ability to shift into another forms, wolves, deer, crows anything really. I have heard stories of them turning into a puff of smoke, escaping a jail cell and reforming outside. These beings are called "Bearwalkers" and can take the form of a large glowing ball of light to travel at night.I stayed for awhile on the Hannahville reservation in upper Michigan and remember someone on the Rez being "Bearwalked". I never saw anything but heard plenty, you hear many strange things on a Rez and just kind of get used to it. is early days yet in the DNA results etc but now that the results have been released and published will you consider putting up some more of the research/photo`s etc that you said you would "once the DNA results had been released" and be "more forthcoming" ? ...Please !!!!!
ReplyDeleteas i sai previous your guess that bigfoot has got a overseer put a lot of things in place for me,i had come close once when i was playing with the theory that they may live like insect colonies with different types doing different things according to makeup,with some type of hierarchy this just gave me a head ache,have you hadany thoughts along this line
ReplyDeleteOk so here it is 2014 dna study has been out for plenty of time, lets see your hand please.
ReplyDeleteScott - There is a family story about my great-grandmother having seen something with red glowing eyes outside the window of a small cabin she was staying in alone. It growled at her, and she threatened it with a red hot fire poker. She was a tough old gal, lol I always wondered whether or not it could have been a Dogman. Like the others, I would love to see the rest of your evidence here if you haven't forgotten about this topic.
ReplyDeleteHey all . . . Look on the home page:
May 8th Entry. It's the video we've all been waiting for!
Watch it here on YouTube: where is the further footage and info,please ? ....there`s been 3 years gone by since you said you had further video and info to release....but I guess "we`re" not in the select "bigfoot researchers" club,huh ? "we" don`t get to know this secret truth,we`re no further along the line than we were 5 years ago...and we`ll still be in this same old position in another 5 years I imagine...remember,it`s you researchers that are holding back the info now....just like all the others that stated so resoundingly that they wouldn`t be doing that,oh no,not they...well....what happened ?
ReplyDeleteYes, I created a website for my dogman footage because it freaked the main line BF researchers out so much:
DeleteAlso on my YouTube channel I have literally posted all the footage I have both of Bigfoot and the Dogman:
Please do a little digging before accusing me of withholding information.....
Also the the repeated scenic old growth fir photo that decorates both sides of this blog. Plain as day a great shot of one at base of tree!! Face not obscured by foliage. Then another to the left. Great work!