
Friday, April 5, 2013

The Best Bigfoot Footage You Never Saw - Yep Back to Bigfoot!

This is the continuation of a series I started before the DNA Study and Dogman events. I am taking a more detailed and critical look at the footage I consider to be the best modern footage of a Bigfoot/Sasquatch. The subject is hiding in the middle of a laurel thicket watching me as I urinate. I have my back turned to the subject with my camera pointing behind me. I did not see the subject, it ducked down when I turned around.

I find the detail in this video fascinating because so much movement can be observed. The body of the subject may be still but just like us the face is always moving. The eyes, forehead, and mouth are in motion almost constantly. The subject is also moving slightly as if rocking front to back.

I have used some new techniques to try and make it easier for the inexperienced to see. When a Bigfoot with gray skin and black/brown hair is hiding in the shadows of heavy foliage it can be difficult to see. 

This is another fascinating aspect to the video we get to see the Bigfoot hiding in its natural environment. No it is not walking across a road or in the open on a bright clear day. It is doing what they do 99.9% of the time hiding from us! Take note of how it hides, how only the face moves while the body is still, and how few times it blinks. Also take note how it begins to duck down at the end of the clip when I start to turn my shoulders toward it. The Bigfoot is watching my eyes not the camera. 

Pay close attention to the end of the clip where I begin to turn around. The complete face and head are in the clear. The change in angle shows the subject is back into the laurel thicket a few feet and that it is separate from the vegetation. (Translation this is NOT Pareidolia). 

Part 1 of this series



  1. scott,

    i find it almost eerie how human-like this face is. it reminds me of the drawings of sasquatch as interpreted by harvey pratt in david paulides TRIBAL BIGFOOT. you remain a cornerstone in bigfoot research. keep up the excellent work...


  2. one more quick question. where do you believe your home "visitors" come from, research area a or national park? and is there a clue theyve left that leads you to choose?are you an advocate that they use train tracks and/or power line routes to travel undetected? thanks scott...


    1. They come from the public land research area. Train tracks run through that area and come directly to my town about 1/2 mile from my house. The distance is approx 20 miles via highway, about 15 via train tracks.

  3. Ok, the movement at the end blew me away on this one. Not to mention how human like their face is. Very nice.

  4. Great footage Scott, interestingly its no "clearer" than the dogman footage yet I can accept what my eyes are telling me with this, its made me stop and think...

    One thing though, I think a lot detail is lost because of resolution and digital artefacts. I think having a really good HD camera would overcome some of those issues and give you much crisper and clearer footage.

    Thanks again for putting this out there!

  5. This really is a great video,and the face,,. Remarkable!
    Thanks for sharing this Scott. Can't wait to see more like this. Top of the line.

  6. Question: Why doesn't the subject in the laurel thicket video maintain the same facial expression all the time while it was in view as did the subject in the Matilda video brought by Adrian Erickson.

    1. Different circumstances, Matilda was in a habituation setting, she knew the woman filming very well and was not alarmed. I my situation the subject was hiding and watching as I captured it on a back trail camera...
