
Monday, April 8, 2013

Possible Bigfoot Howl

I place a digital voice recorder on my back deck periodically to try and catch audio in case a Bigfoot visits. On April 06, 2013 at 3:00 AM I captured what sounds like a howl. Is it a Bigfoot howl? Listen to the audio and see for yourself.


  1. Did you hear it when it happened or did just the recorder catch it?

  2. Just the recorder i was sawing major logs at 3:00 AM

    1. I am so disappointed you were asleep on the job! Hahahahahahaha!

  3. I agree with the YouTube comments; this sounds like a motorcycle peeling out of the neighborhood. But I don't know.

    1. I agree, that is why I posted it to get opinions. I know I have never heard anything like that around my house.

  4. IMO,I can't say either way. It does sound a bit mechanical in nature,but as a couple folks,one being Mr M.K Davis,shows in videos,or recordings,they may be able to mimic or make a variety of sounds. A very close friend,who I don't get to see very often,told me a few years ago,maybe 12,that he,his wife,and sister had the Mothman scream at them,at dark,while they were walking back to the truck from fishing in a remote pond in the t.n.t area. I ask how he knew what it was,did he see it? He said no,but brother we heard it! And it bout scared us to death!! When I asked him to explain the sound,or scream,after a long pause,,he the only thing he could compare it to was like a hot rod,spinning its tires. He said they heard a little brush crackling here a there,but thought deer,,and then wham!! Out of nowhere,and maybe a quarter mile away. And no slow rise in pitch or volume. Just flat out terrifying. When I heard the "Klamath whoop/scream" from the 70s,I sent him the link. He called,10 mins later,,and said that's it. To a T!!!
    Imagine my suprise! Lol.course its been many years ago,but one never knows.
