
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bigfoot In Silhouette - Sneak Peak (Updated)

Forehead and Eye of the Bigfoot
This is a sneak peak of a video I will soon post on YouTube. I had a flurry of trail camera activity in the fall of 2010. I want to share them with the Bigfoot Community. The following video shows a Bigfoot in the infrared "wash out". You can clearly see its silhouette and watch it bend down and step up to the camera. There are a few frames where you can see the upper left forehead, brow, eye, and top of cheek. It looks very similar to the Bigfoot in MK Davis' video where a white Bigfoot sticks its face/eye into the camera.

Is there a Bigfoot in the back ground? Click read more to find out.

JR made an observation that there might be a subject hiding between two trees in the back ground. I was not going to say anything and see if anyone noticed. It did not take long before JR pointed it out!

Is this another Bigfoot hiding in the Y of the trees?


  1. I see another subject in the video. Just before the "wash out" comes into view there is a face that appears between the "Y" of the tree in the background. It is at about the height of the smaller twig size branch. I can see the subject's left eye, brow ridge, partial right eye and large nose. It is not there at the end of the video when the "wash out" subject leaves the screen.
    I tend to not be the one to see these "faces" in the brush but maybe I am just seeing things tonight.
    Good post Scott!

    1. Great catch, yes IMHO there is one back there, I will point this out in my video on YouTube, In the full video what ever is hiding there is moving and at the end is gone...

  2. Scott, there seems to be a difference in the genetics
    of the white haired bigfoot compared to the black/brown
    variety. Judging by the length of hair that is noticed
    around the head. Has this ever been discussed?

  3. Scott, Very impressive catches. Thank you for posting this video. Best wishes, Buster

  4. Scott, great video as usual. Do you see another face just above the one in the yellow box. Looks like a taller one, or the one in the yellow box is stooping. There's at least two looking through the Y of the branches. At least that's what I'm seeing. Might be pointing out the same thing that "anonymous" did, not sure. It seems like its a group of Bigfoot and the one in front of the camera was either the alpha male or female, or the one chosen by the others as the Guinea Pig! It's fun speculating what makes these creatures do what they do. How they think...thanks again Scott for another thought provoking article.

    1. I have seen this behavior before at my public research area and in another video I have posted on YouTube, so it appears they to this alot, have one test the camera while the others watch.

    2. Robin, I see both faces in the "Y" as well now that you point them out. They both can be seen in the negative Scott provided too. Good catch!

