
Monday, September 24, 2012

A "Typical Day" In The Field

Toe Slide Found In Mud Hole, Note Just Four Toes
This last Saturday I combined two of my favorite things hunting and Bigfoot research. It was the opening day of bow season in Tennessee so I went out and enjoyed a day hunting with a little research on the side. I strapped my back trail camera on my shoulder and then went about my hunt.

The "Foot" is at least 8 inches wide. 
This was a typical day in the field. Despite what some researchers say there is not a Bigfoot lurking behind every tree and each noise in the woods is not made by the big fellow. Most days researching is uneventful. This day was no exception. I did have a few odd sounds and was fortunate enough to find a toe slide in a mud hole and a smaller footprint on the trail.

This is a close up of the "big toe". Unfortunately the heavy traffic on this trail had already begun to degrade the track. I only could see four toes, but dogs and horse prints were in the track so there may have been a fifth toe.

Below is the smaller track I found in gravel laden soil. I would think it odd for a human to walk in this wild area barefooted in the rough gravel.

The print measured 9 inches long

 I would classify this as the average day in the woods. Like many I hope each day yields some major discovery but like most things in this world worth doing it takes patience, perseverance, and hard work. Nothing comes easy, especially in Bigfoot research.