
Friday, August 22, 2014

Bigfoot or (Blobsquatch) Pareidolia?? (Updated Repost)

Now days it seems every critic out there is now throwing around this big fancy smart sounding word "Pareidolia". This appears to be the new explanation for any Bigfoot footage that shows a partial face or body in heavy dense foliage that other wise cannot be explained.

First what is Pareidolia? The strict definition from Wikipedia states: 
 Pareidolia (pron.: /pærɨˈdliə/ parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds, the man in the moon or the Moon rabbit, and hearing hidden messages on records when played in reverse.

Simply it is your mind making faces or other familiar objects from  an optical illusion. In the Bigfoot world the critics claim that a combination of shadows, leaves, sticks, and camera angle form faces and/or partial bodies that are claimed to be Bigfoot. 

It is a major problem for Bigfoot researchers because the Bigfoot does not parade out in the open asking for its picture to be taken. They hide and peek from dense foliage or from behind trees only exposing their head and small parts of their torso. Most the time only peeking with one eye. When you add to that the fact that their skin is gray or black and that they are covered in black/brown hair they are very difficult to see. Unfortunately this always gives the critics their "excuse" or "plausible explanation" 

But let us take a closer look at this and see if Pareidola holds up. By definition several factors have to be just right in order for the Pareidola phenomenon to occur. Sun angle, shadows, camera angle, distance from the objects forming the phenomenon. All these factors must be just right in order for the optical illusion to occur. If you change any of the factors mentioned above then the illusion will disappear. Just like faces in the clouds, they only last for a few seconds. Another example is a face formed by a rock outcropping. You must be at the right position at the right time of day in order to see the "face".

The critics use the public's ignorance of what Paredolia really is and how the phenomenon occurs. In my videos when I claim there is a Bigfoot in the footage I make sure of several factors so I can rule out Paredolia.

1. Does the subject maintain its integrity as I move?
2. Does the subject itself move?
3. Does the subject have eyes that reflect light and/or blink?
4. Perform follow-up and return to the location looking for the object or groups of objects that could have formed the subject.

By Paredolia's definition if you change your position, the cameras position and/or angle then the phenomenon should disappear immediately since it is formed by these unique set of circumstances. In the videos I claim contain a Bigfoot the subjects do not disappear, in fact in many of my videos I have traveled over 30 feet, swung my camera away and then back, changed camera angle, and the sun has been blocked by clouds but the subject still remains. So under these circumstances it would be impossible for the subject I have captured to be caused by the Paredolia phenomenon

When you add other factors such as mouth movement, eyes blinking, or total head/shoulder movement then the Paredolia explanation is laughable. This is why in my footage I always point out and loop facial or body movements.

The final nail in the coffin for the Paredolia explanation is eye shine and the eyes in general. An optical illusion of a face formed by light, shadow, and camera angle cannot have eyes that reflect sun light, react to sunlight, or move. When I have footage of a Bigfoot hiding in dense foliage I always concentrate on the eyes.  If you can see the detail of the eye, see it blink, and reflect sunlight then the subject is real. It is impossible for the Paredolia phenomenon to create eyes that move, blink, react to sunlight, and reflect sunlight.

So next time you read comments where the critics are throwing around the phrase "Paredolia" take a closer look at the footage. Put the footage to the test. You might be surprised what you find and realize how ignorant the critics are when it comes to Paredolia.


  1. Scott, somewhere in this, there is the old saying, " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. " Critics are critics
    because of a few simple elements. Mostly jealousy. You have some-
    thing they don't. Then there are those who will not believe anything
    just for the sake of being argumentive. They know better about anything. And refuse to see another point of view. Personally, I think
    convincing critics is a waste of time. Leave them in the dust and proceed. Let them make up the lost time.


  3. scott I admire your very innovated way of researching bigfoot.The results you get are beyond anything the hoot and holler's will ever get.Until they change their approach and the way they think about this elusive creature all they can do is throw big words at you for doing something they have yet to get which is proof of bigfoot.
    Keep up the good work
