
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bigfoot in The Laurel - Frame by Frame Ehancement

I am going back through and doing a frame by frame clean up and enhancement, adjusting, brightness, contrast, and sharpness. The video is in slow motion. Please note that this was taken with a "back trail camera" in 2010. This means I was filming behind me and did not see the subject. When I did turn around the subject ducked down out of sight. For many this is hard to accept, what they look like, how they hide. But this is the reality of the Bigfoot, not the commercialized version and the preconceived notion many have from the main stream.


  1. I'll say it again,outstanding work Scott!! IMHO,this is as good as it gets. Thanks for sharing this with us! And,Merry Chirstmas!!
