
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sasquatch Genome Project Addresses Mainstream Science Bias

Via Face Book

Robin Lynne - Spokes Person Sasquatch Genome Project

This needs to be said:

To clarify: I (Dr. Ketchum) do not know Todd Disotell. When Adrian Erickson came to our project, he told me that he had sent an aliquot of the red Sasquatch's blood to Disotell for testing. AE has results and correspondence as proof. He was extremely upset because Disotell had destroyed the sample. Disotell got human mitochondrial DNA sequence when he tested the sample and didn't believe that it came from a Sasquatch. He told the PhD on Erickson's staff that somebody must have hoaxed it. He said this in spite of the fact that the study was well monitored by Dennis Pfohl who is extremely credible was in control of the food trap start to finish. If it was hoaxed, our genetic testing showed the suspect would be a red headed female, which obviously Dennis is not. In addition, the whole genome SNP testing excluded this individual (the red headed female) as being 100% human with results close to 20% below the human threshold.

After Disotell destroyed the DNA (Mr. Erickson's staff had requested the remaining sample be returned), another aliquot that had been retained by Erickson was sent to Paleo labs in Canada. They also obtained human results on the mitochondrial DNA. Finally, AE sent the remainder of the DNA to our study and had Paleo labs send what they had left also. Our lab also obtained human mitochondrial sequence. These were all independent tests using different laboratories. We then began testing the sample using several platforms to obtain nuclear DNA sequences and profiles. This sample like all of the other samples in the study yielded human sequence as well as unknown sequence.

Disotell specializes in evolution using mitochondrial DNA. He is not qualified to comment on the genomics or other disciplines in this study. Like he said on the Joe Rogan show, our project used "some of the latest cutting edge science" that he is not expert on--he admits "I can't follow 3/4 of that paper." The raw data for this paper continues to be available as separate files with the manuscript. He is a perfect example of the scientific bias we have faced.


  1. This comes as no surprise to me. From what I have seen of Disotell,
    he has no interest in the subject of bigfoot nor wishes his name in
    connection with the subject. But still he seems to enjoy his hair to
    be seen on TV. He reminds me of the crustaceans that form on the
    whales. They can't go anywhere by themselves unless they hang
    onto something that is moving.

  2. Old man,,LOL!
    Scott,I'm sure you seen some of the other posts by Robin,as of last night,etc,on Facebook. The naysayers are going to freak out,as in its hard to deny the truth of the matter in "black and white",even if it is in electronic format,lol. This is great news for the folks that have stood by this Study,and had to listen to all the useless,idiotic rumors,and speculations put forth,by some folks who may be,in reality,jealous or envious they were not selected to preticapate In the Study,or were not privy to inside info,,more than likey because they did not deserve it to begin with. Glad to see these posts!!
    Thanks again Scott,and take care!
