
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Matilda - Not All Bigfoot Look Alike - UPADTED

Predictably the critics have started their tired worn out drone about the "Matilda" Bigfoot footage being a person in a Star Wars "Wookie" costume. I will admit at first glance one might jump to that conclusion, but upon closer inspection of the footage I find this highly unlikely. 

I have been researching Bigfoot since 2009 and one thing I have learned, is just like people, the Bigfoot come in all shapes in sizes. There are many that look surprising human while others are completely hair covered and have a more "monster" like appearance. I have captured footage of two Bigfoot, one in the National Park and one from the public land research area. Both are completely hair covered and have a similar look. So to say Bigfoot just do not look like Matilda therefor it must be a hoax is not a intellectually honest conclusion. 

Taking a closer look at the footage I noticed the following that leave me to think the footage is legitimate.

The gums of the Bigfoot are black, the skin in the mouth is black, the lips are black. Also note the wide straight tongue compared to a humans.

 The bottom jaw juts out way to far for a human, this would be difficult if not impossible for a person in a mask to duplicate.

Below is a list of sighting reports that describe a Bigfoot that looks like "Chewbacca"


BFRO Report 21850
Oct 17, 2007 - Camper startles a "Chewbacca" like creature in Palo Duro Canyon State Park ... I'm going back this year, but I hope I don't see the bigfoot again.

BFRO Report 7519
Dec 8, 2003 - At the time I didn't think about it being a big foot because I have ... She described it as looking like the "Chewbacca" character from Star Wars.

BFRO Report 31472
December 30, 2011 - It just looked strange to me. Long arms were swinging and a large gate as it walked. It was a solid dark color from head to toe. I hesitate to say it looked like the shape of Chewbacca from Star Wars…

BRFO Report 37304
July 29, 1972 (Before Star Wars was released)
It was overall very furry, the hair covered its entire body. When asked to describe more facial details the witness claimed, “Don’t laugh, but it looked like Chewbacca more than anything else.”

BFRO Report 856
He told me that once he saw "Chewbacca" standing in the woods watching him.

JC Johnson – Crypto Four Corners
July 10, 2012
A Navajo Nation police officer had been jogging at night and encountered a hominid or 'Furry One'. This creature had been sitting on a guardrail and raised up as the officer approached. After talking to Jc by telephone, the creature was described at approximately 9-10 ft. with a 'Chewbacca-like' appearance.

 To attempt to claim all Bigfoot look alike is to be ignorant of the research field in question. I have learned there are many strange looking Crytpids living in the woods. The below fellow is proof of that.

 I challenge everyone to think for themselves, review the footage and still captures and come to your own conclusions.


  1. I find the comments of people in costumes extremely tedious...if it looks that way,so be it...there ought to be enough evidence to show the unbelievers etc that this is a real creature...I don`t think the doubters are worth the effort as it will not matter regardless what is revealed...thanks for the effort you`ve taken to put this stuff up.

    1. incredible footage...Here's a radical offer...The proven hoaxter , Rick Dyer , responded to legitimate police reports in Texas , brought the British film crew , and the videographer captured the "real deal" ONLY in the tent flap video. Rick may have even shot the thing but that terrible sculpture is NOT what is plainly seen in tent flap video. Rick was paid off to present this event as another one of his hoaxes after the fact because the truth about the nature of these hominids leads one down a rabbit hole that is assumed to be too fantastic for the public.The tent flap video , as does Todd Standings clear face shots , show a human-like face. Other variations apparently exist ranging between more ape-like and more human possibly depending on the potential for interspecies intercession.

  2. Thanks Scott! This is amazing!! I have to agree with Mr Hennity,in the matter of the professional skeptics,doubters,naysayers,and last and least,,toadies and trolls. He's absolutely correct,there are not worth it. Instead of putting in a bit of hard work on there own,it's easier to say "B.S! It ain't real". If DNA is not good enough,they'll have a hundred more ways to say a body is not good enough,if it ever was found,etc.
    Anyways,also wanted to say a big Congats my friend,on all your hard work,and efforts with this monumental endeavor. Although it ain't the finish line,,it's closer now than ever,and I truly hope you get the recognition you deserve,along with the others,that accomplished turning one of the worlds greatest legends,and myths,,into reality.

  3. It is fair to say the individuals of a species come in "all shapes and sizes". Humans are the most obvious example. Other species generally show smaller intra-species variance in appearance. Since Bigfoot are likely to be closely related to humans it is fair to say they probably show similar variance in appearance.

    However, I have a problem claiming Matilda and Patty could be of the same species. They seem very distinct, not only in color, but also in the structure of their bodies. Their faces seem especially distinct. The nose, lower jaw and setting of the teeth. I find it highly unlikely they would be classified to be individuals of the same species.

    The comparison you present with other "faces" of Bigfoot, can not be made, because in all these cases there is not enough resolution to conclude there was a face in the first place. Not all things that look like faces are faces. And would that effect not perfectly explain the variability of the appearance of the things you perceive as faces?

    1. You are entitled to your opinion, but I think the two faces you refer too that I captured are more than clear enough to recognize. If that was another animal or a person you would have no issue admitting what the identity was, but since its "Bigfoot" its inconclusive, sorry that does not work with me.....

    2. Please remember too that according to the various tribes-peoples there are 4 different types of bigfoot...obviously it`s hard enough for many to accept the idea of any type of bigfoot but this is what has been claimed by the tribes-peoples...there is much to be discovered yet but at least the gate to the pathway is now somewhat ajar,if not yet fully open.

  4. While I do know that the Sasquatch people are real, this footage leaves much to be desired and I believe "Matilda" to be a hoax. Look up "Matilda comparison to Chewbacca mask" with a search engine and you'll see side by side comparisons which might make you change your mind that this specific entity is a real Sasquatch person. Yes, they are as varied as we are; this particular one, though, appears to be a mask to me.

    1. Who`s to say that the original "Chewbacca" character, wasn`t loosely based on Bigfoot though? Back in the 70`s, when Star Wars was created, there were quite a few "Bigfoot" movies around. Perhaps the creators of "Chewbacca" used images of Bigfoot as their inspiration?

    2. Anon - please explain the black gums, and inside of mouth, plus the massive under bite?

    3. lol My thought exactly Mark!

  5. Scott. Any updates on the photo (face shot) I sent you.?

    1. I believe she looks similar to Matilda. Young possible juvenile female. M

    2. I looked at them, I wish the resolution was better...

    3. Me too. Good news is I found the original footage. Wow. I'm starting to be all in with you as usual. Takes me longer Scott. 1. Not as smart as you. 2. From the show me state I wish you'd do more material on how Disotell has treated Melba. Outrageous if you ask me. Keep up the good work.m

  6. I'll give Matilda the benefit of the doubt just because I want to believe.
    And the fact I can't condemn everyone who gets a good piece of film.
    Someone has to be doing something right. After all why would anyone go through all that trouble just to be badmouthed and called
    a hoaxer. It don't make sense. Granted some folks seem to enjoy
    being an idiot, just bad wiring in their head I guess. I hope someday we will be able to tell the difference between the various specimens.
    Why some resemble human and some may in fact be throwbacks.
    If I seem to be stuck on that theory, it may well be that I am. Some-
    thing is wrong and I can't put my finger on it so to speak. While we
    may all be hybrids to a certain degree, and human DNA my be there
    in the bigfoot samples(and I am not denying that) from what I know
    of genetics, and that ain't much. we are overlooking something. My
    brain has lost too many cells. I'll try to write this down.

  7. The theosophists say that humans have not evolved from apes, but that apes are devolved species of humans, left over from previous kalpas. So the variability found among the bigfoot, barring hoaxes, which I think are despicable, would be due to all the different species of humans, all produced by the many, many kalpas previous to the current one, which produced Cro Magnon man and which ends in a little over 200 years, all devolving into what we call apes. Our turn is next.

    1. link:

    2. I had to check some of your words:

      "Theosophy is considered a part of the broader field of esotericism, referring to hidden knowledge or wisdom that offers the individual enlightenment and salvation. The word esoteric dates back to the 2nd century CE.[1] The theosophist seeks to understand the mysteries of the universe and the bonds that unite the universe, humanity and the divine. The goal of theosophy is to explore the origin of divinity and humanity, and the world. From investigation of those topics theosophists try to discover a coherent description of the purpose and origin of the universe."


      "Kalpa is a Sanskrit word (कल्प kalpa) meaning an aeon, or a relatively long period of time (by human calculation) in Hindu and Buddhist cosmology. The concept is first mentioned in the Mahabharata. The definition of a kalpa equalling 4.32 billion years is found in the Puranas (specifically Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana"

      FACTS get in the way of your thesis:

      1. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes while chimpanzees have 24. Evolutionary scientists believe that one of the human chromosomes has been formed through the fusion of two small chromosomes in the chimp instead of an intrinsic difference resulting from a separate creation.

      2. At the end of each chromosome is a string of repeating DNA sequences called a telomere. Chimpanzees and other apes have about 23 kilobases (a kilobase is 1,000 base pairs of DNA) of repeats. Humans are unique among primates with much shorter telomeres only 10 kilobases long.

      3. While 18 pairs of chromosomes are ‘virtually identical’, chromosomes 4, 9 and 12 show evidence of being ‘remodeled.’

      4. In other words, the genes and markers on these chromosomes are not in the same order in the human and chimpanzee. Instead of ‘being remodeled’ as the evolutionists suggest, these could, logically, also be intrinsic differences because of a separate creation. The Y chromosome in particular is of a different size and has many markers that do not line up between the human and chimpanzee.

      5. Scientists have prepared a human-chimpanzee comparative clone map of chromosome 21 in particular. They observed ‘large, non-random regions of difference between the two genomes.’ They found a number of regions that ‘might correspond to insertions that are specific to the human lineage.

    3. we definitely dont come from apes, and they dont come from us....... come on guys, enough with the brain wash crap that they push down our throats from day one in school. Think for yourselves, or you will never get past the first hurdle.... just like researchers who cant think for themselves and have been stumbling at the first hurdle for 50yrs by declaring all sasquatch samples no good because of human contamination.... open mind is the secret to learning, not being force fed a load of b.s. in schools. Look at the evidence, and i know this is hard but, and think for yourself.

    4. John Smith, thanks for your explanation of a kalpa. Now I
      can sleep tonight. No really. About chromosones 4,9,12
      being "remodeled", could this in fact be a case of genetic
      munipulation or genetic engineering? Just asking. Not pro
      or con, no pre-conceived notions interfering. Sometimes a
      clean chalk board yields the best results.

    5. That is a very good answer, rsr423, because it shows that the way to find the answers is to use imagination. Mr. Smith shows a dreadful lack of imagination, and in fact, he is using one mythology (science) to dis another mythology. We see with our imaginations. Theories and hypotheses are NARRATIVES. They are stories. The human imagination is so powerful that it can actually find physical evidence based on what it imagines. Now, I am not a theosophist, but I like what they have to say about apes having DEvolved from humans. I am willing to play with that thought. And, as an extension of it, I am willing to play with the idea that the bigfoot are DEvolved humans left over from previous kalpas.

    6. Since you were unable to refute the 5 scientific facts - you claim: "use your imagination".

      SO - what is the color of an Orange?

      Prove it -

    7. Refute the facts? Why would I want to do that? You misunderstand me, Mr. Smith. I have no desire to refute the facts. But at this point in my thinking about bigfoot, I am concerned with trying to imagine a way to account for all of the observed characteristics of their behavior and appearance, what kind of creature they are, and how they got to be here. I respect the facts and include them in my thinking, but I do not let them put me into a mental straight-jacket, because many of what people like to call "facts" are nothing but agreements as to what certain phenomena mean.

      For example, there is this stuff called DNA. Chimps have so and so many chromosomes and humans have so and so many, and that is what makes them different species. And that is wonderful, as far as it goes. But what about after that? What do we do, in our imaginations, to account for the fact? Because to account for the facts, the bare-bones facts, we have to tell ourselves stories. And many people are so wedded to the stories that they tell themselves about the bare-bones facts that they mistake their stories for facts, themselves. And then they are in a mental straight-jacket.

      You see, right now, the bigfoot community is throwing all these facts (of the DNA, etc) at the scientific community, trying to convince the scientists that bigfoot exists. But the scientists are so deplorably deficient in imagination that they cannot allow themselves to play with the idea that bigfoot is real. And I think it is a mistake for bigfooters to model their own mode of thinking after that of the scientists, because science alone cannot get you to where you what to go, bigfoot-wise. What is so objectionable about thinking that the bigfoot could be devolved humans? Do you not think that a species could change its DNA in response to a world-ending catastrophe in order to survive? Dinosaurs seem to have done it. They seem to have become what we call birds.

      So what I am doing is taking everything I have read about bigfoot, epigenetics, the science of ethology and human devolution theory, other bits and pieces, as well as the Gnostic myth of the Aeon Sophia, which you probably have never heard of, and PLAYING with it. As I play with it, I turn it around, and upside down, and I shake it and toss it in the air. What do I have to lose by doing that? Bigfoot exists. Of that I am certain. Are bigfooters going to make themselves look ridiculous in the eyes of scientists? Sorry, scientists already think that bigfooters are ridiculous, so there is nothing to lose.

      But to account for all of big foot's characteristics...and I think it is high time someone said to go into the realm of sorcery. It is to go into the realm of the Nagual, where things get very, very strange. Some of Mr. Carpenter's experiences, and the experiences of others I have read about, are so strange that only the concept of the Nagual can account for them: the Nagual, where what is in your mind manifests instantly, and can de-manifest just as instantly. And that is what ancient cultures knew. They knew about the Nagual, and about sorcery and shamanism.

      And now I figure that I have lost you completely. But so what?

    8. Kundrie, just about the time I was ready to dismiss your
      comments, you go and say something that makes sense.
      While I have never heard of Nagual, we mere mortals have
      a tendency to place what we don't understand in the area
      of the unreal. Call it religion, witchcraft, sorcery, politics,
      science or any other name we delegate some subjects to
      a place we can deal with it. If we come across a topic we
      don't want handle in the course of our day to day lives it
      is much easier to cast it off to a file that is labeled "For
      Experts Only". But in many cases the experts know no
      more than the rest of us. And there lies the problem with
      bigfoot. We cast off the subject for so long we are left with
      what we have now. A not so pretty mess of theories and
      facts that need to be sorted out. Should all of these be
      brought out and drug through the mud? Absolutely. Are they all right or all wrong? Doubtful, but unless we wring
      them all out for what they are worth we won't know. Do we
      need a witch doctor as well as a DNA specialist? Probably. So what. If the answer is found, so be it.

    9. Thank you for your thoughtful (in the sense of "having given thought to") reply, old man. I had a feeling it would be you who would respond to what I had to say.

      The experience of Mr. Carpenter's that I am thinking of is the one where he filmed a white SOMETHING in the woods on one of his outings. It was real. He caught it on tape. And although my tentative explanation is so outside of what people think of as "reality" that it is impossible to put it into this small space, I am beginning to think that the bigfoot are the ultimate adepts of the Nagual, or at least that some of them are. If you do not already know of them, and are interested, I recommend the writings of Carlos Castaneda and Stan Gooch, as well as "Supernatural" by Graham Hancock.

  8. Humans not evolved from apes but, apes evolved from humans?
    Now there's one I haven't heard before. By the way. What is a kalpa?
    And why should it all end in 200 years?

    1. Not E-voloved. De-volved. The theosophists believe that apes are devolved versions of humans from different kalpas. The reason they believe that has to do with human neotany. All mammals are born with short faces which sit more or less underneath their brain cases, depending on the species, large eyes and small noses. Other mammals lose these characteristics, but humans retain them into adulthood. Young chimps look very much like human babies, but then become prognathous as they mature.

      There is also the issue of epigenetics, science of extra-nuclear DNA, which resides in the cytoplasm of cells. It is extra-nuclear knowledge and experience stored in the cytoplasm of the cells of an animal. Look it up.

      A kalpa is a period of about 26,000 years (round figures), the time it takes for the equinoxes to complete a cycle of the ecliptic. We complete this round in a little over 200 years. Again, round figures.

  9. Origin of Life: Part 1 The Myth of the Organic Soup. Life on Earth Came From Other Planets. A documentary film by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D

    Enjoy. OR not.

  10. I have been an avid amatuer bigfooter for some time now and I do not find the image compelling, when the subject moves its head the mouth does not open or close its mouth. It stays open the whole time and the their are costumes that you can purchase i.e.!pla!!!18283950120!g!!28697071365&utm_source=GoogleBase&source=productlistings&id=18283950120&CAWELAID=1487606193&"cagpspn=pla"&gclid=CNCsnciU_bkCFVNo7AodyDwA2g

    that are latex and made to fit the mouth area, it would be easy to color the lips and tongue. I am not saying this is not the real mccoy, but it has too many holes in it to say it is. Scott, I do enjoy your blog and research, you do a great job!!!

  11. "The theosophists believe that apes are devolved versions of humans from different kalpas."

    Prove it.

    Disprove it.

    Yes, yes, you come on with a statement of your OWN personal belief and want to present it as fact - because you are ?superior? somehow?

    YET - no answer to the facts, which you won't let get in the way of your unproven beliefs:

    1. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes while chimpanzees have 24. Evolutionary scientists believe that one of the human chromosomes has been formed through the fusion of two small chromosomes in the chimp instead of an intrinsic difference resulting from a separate creation.

    2. At the end of each chromosome is a string of repeating DNA sequences called a telomere. Chimpanzees and other apes have about 23 kilobases (a kilobase is 1,000 base pairs of DNA) of repeats. Humans are unique among primates with much shorter telomeres only 10 kilobases long.

    3. While 18 pairs of chromosomes are ‘virtually identical’, chromosomes 4, 9 and 12 show evidence of being ‘remodeled.’

    4. In other words, the genes and markers on these chromosomes are not in the same order in the human and chimpanzee. Instead of ‘being remodeled’ as the evolutionists suggest, these could, logically, also be intrinsic differences because of a separate creation. The Y chromosome in particular is of a different size and has many markers that do not line up between the human and chimpanzee.

    5. Scientists have prepared a human-chimpanzee comparative clone map of chromosome 21 in particular. They observed ‘large, non-random regions of difference between the two genomes.’ They found a number of regions that ‘might correspond to insertions that are specific to the human lineage.


    1. Mr. Smith, I have to say that I do not understand your attitude. I am not trying to persuade you, or anyone, to believe what I believe. Not only that, but by definition, beliefs are unprovable. Rather, it would seem that you are trying to bludgeon me into silence, or dissuade people from investigating the ideas I introduced.

      But perhaps by "unproven beliefs" you are trying to say that my beliefs are unfounded? But that is only your opinion about my beliefs. I do not have to submit my beliefs to your approval. I have certainly not asked you to submit your beliefs to my approval! If you have not investigated any of the ideas I introduced, how can you say that my beliefs are unfounded or not? And why in the world should you even care if my beliefs are unfounded, which they are not. You may disagree with the foundation of my beliefs, after you have investigated where I am coming from, but it is silly to dismiss what I say out of hand, not knowing what the foundation of my beliefs is. You have every right in the world to your opinion about my beliefs. You can believe what ever you want to believe about my beliefs, but do not mistake what you believe about my beliefs for fact.

      So, it is not incumbent upon me to prove or disprove anything, to you or to anyone. I introduced an idea, which people are free to investigate and consider, if they wish to do so; the idea that apes are devolved from humans, and by extension, that the bigfoot are humans in the process of devolution. If you do not like the idea I introduced, all you have to do is ignore it, and ignore me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I dont understand. Prove what? Prove what the theosophists believe? But all you have to do is go look up what they believe. Prove what they believe is true? But that is an absurd demand.

    I am not presenting what the theosophists believe as fact. Nor am I presenting what I believe as fact. I am not asking you to believe what I believe. And so what if I was? All you would have to do is decline.

    1. Oh, sorry. I forgot to hit the "reply" button under Mr. Smith's reply.

  13. I am as perplexed as anyone about the bigfoot creatures. My wife and I saw one on a back road in January of 1976 and it was no fun seeing it. Since I saw alien craft while in the USAF, 1967-71, stateside and overseas - I know something weird is happening. My best guest is that the bigfoot community is being protected by whatever is controlling the UFOs and probably getting help from some secret human orgs. The U.S. government black agency type personnel, for the most part, probably know little more than the general public. And, some of those guys and gals are scared - but of what?

    1. Mr. McLean, you have expressed the same thoughts I have.
      Upon returning to the family farm after two tours to Vietnam,
      I witnessed a flight of three crafts come across the farm below tree top height and accelerate beyond anything I had
      seen before. What was my frame of referrence? My time in
      service was spent as a Navy aircraft mechanic. With many
      days and nights on the flightdeck. What I saw was beyond
      the capabilty of an F-4 Phantom. The craft were pursuded by an Air Force intercepter and a C-130 from Scott Air Force
      base in Southwest Illinois. I grew up in the flight path of that
      base. Is there a connection between bigfoot and UFO's?
      I think it is something we need to study. Anyone who refuses
      to look at all the facts, is denying reality.

  14. Hey you guys, I just found this:

    This is a thrilling article, in case you haven't seen it yet. The enormous implications for bigfoot DNA research are obvious.

  15. Quick comment: I'm thinking possibly the 'undershot jaw' might just be a fleshy lower lip, the sort that I've seen on some humans and some chimps. Think of Jane Goodall's friend ape, Flo had a rather droopy lower lip that might have made her jaw appear a bit undershot.

    By the way, please continue to lead the way Scott and don't let the blindfolded & doubtful get you down.

  16. Replies
    1. I thought I was the only one. Thank you for that. M

    2. Ok, I know it's late, but I watched the video again. A thought just occurred to me. What if the orb is a tracking
      device? In case of a bigfoot's death, the body is retrieved.
      Just a thought.

  17. Look. I have a pretty clear face of a juvenile female. That has some similarities. Especially with the way the hair pattern is around the face. Then you get into the open mouth as aggression (Scott has seen that grin) or smelling/olfactory argument. Bottom line. We need to see the rest of the footage. This is taking too long ! For some reason I trust Adrian and Dennis. We shall see. M
