
Thursday, September 26, 2013

New Blog Page Takes You "Behind The Scenes" with the Ketchum DNA Study

I have added a new page to my blog that goes into the detail and background of what happened concerning infamous Sample 26 of the Ketchum DNA Study. This is the sample given to the study by Justin Smeja. He claimed to have shot and killed two Bigfoot, an adult and an infant. The critics used this sample to perpetrate a hoax in an  attempt to discredit the DNA Study. Read the full story of the events that took place and decide for yourself.

 Click here to go to the new page

1 comment:

  1. Scott... Perhaps you could talk to Melba and get this whole thing worked out??

    DR just posted this on Facebook:


    Status Update
    By Derek Randles
    Dear Dr. Melba Ketchum:

    I've made this request with your personal assistant, and I've also asked you directly, but still no response. Ms Ketchum, I want what's left of my sample back, and quite frankly I'm getting tired of waiting. The sample I'm referring to is sample 26. Just so there's no confusion, it's the sample Justin Smeja signed over to me, the sample that I gave you permission to test. I am the owner of the sample and I have the documentation stating so. You have told me repeatedly that there is some sample left. You have also told me you would send it to Wally for me. The least you could do considering Wally funded the majority of your study. The reason I want it back is simple. I want it re-tested. Posting this publicly is not my style, but in light of the fact I'm being ignored about this , and the BS seems to be getting thicker, I decided to post this publicly. I would very much appreciate a response from you " camp".
