
Monday, April 29, 2013

Bigfoot Research - Advanced Concepts - Stealth Mode Part 1

I have a interesting theory about how the Bigfoot hide from us or at times seem to disappear. During my  research I have noticed a phenomenon that I occasionally will capture on video recordings. I will usually get the gut “feeling” I am being watched. I then stop and take video of the area where I think the Bigfoot is concealed. I will pause and video for a minute or two and sometimes zoom in and out of the area then move on. When I review the video at a later date I will notice a “blurry” area in the video. The foliage in front of and behind this “blurry” area will be in crisp focus. In a small number of these “blurry” areas a faint figure can sometimes be seen. The figure is always out of focus but recognizable features can sometimes be seen in the “blurry” area such as a nose, mouth, eyes, arms, shoulder, and upper trunk. I have checked my video camera and it is functioning correctly. The lens is clear of debris or finger smudges. The “blurry” area is in different locations on the frame, left, right, and middle.  I am not seeing this “blurry” effect with the naked eye while I am in the field. I only seem to capture it on the video camera.

I began to do research on what could be causing this or what it could be. I found many eye witness accounts where the person reports seeing a Bigfoot then it just “disappears into thin air”. Other witnesses have reported seeing a figure that resembles the alien in the “Predator” movies when using the artificial “cloak”. Native Americans have long believed the Bigfoot has supernatural powers to become invisible or shape shift into other animals. The Native Americans believe this explains how when seemingly cornered with no route of escape the Bigfoot can just disappear from sight.

Theory: The Bigfoot has the ability to use acoustics (infrasound) to excite and control the water vapor molecules in the air around them. They use the water vapor as a prism to reflect and diffuse the light away from their bodies creating a cloaking affect. The Bigfoot will appear to blend in with the environment around them to create a natural camouflage. This camouflage effect is created because the eye is seeing the objects that are around the Bigfoot at different angles.


Date: June 5th, 2010
Location: Research Area B, National Park

I capture just a few frames of a Bigfoot hiding in the middle of heavy vegetation. It is only approximately one hundred feet from the parking area of the trail head. I had the feeling I was being watched and should have stopped and filmed the area thoroughly. Unfortunately I was in a hurry to get to other areas so I pointed the camera in the direction I thought the Bigfoot was hiding and filmed as I walked. This was a mistake. The Bigfoot was no more than fifty feet off the trail. He is in total stealth mode. I have debated if the algorithm of the digital camera turned him green or he was in stealth mode. I am now convinced he was in stealth mode. He was green because that is the color of the vegetation around his body.

The above composites show the Bigfoot in “Stealth Mode”. Note that his face is green and matches the foliage around him. The insert photograph on the left has been converted to black and white. This allows you to see the facial detail.


The theory I have proposed could be categorized as “Science Fiction”. Scientists have only begun to investigate acoustics and how it affects us and the world around us. The science of acoustics is just now in its infancy. Early experiments are showing that sound waves can do amazing things to include levitating objects, boiling water, crumble solid rock, and have numerous physical and physiological effects on humans.

Is the use of acoustics a skill the Bigfoot has mastered? Do they use it on a regular basis to communicate and protect themselves? Is this skill taught to their young and passed on from generation to generation?

The theory I have proposed could be just one possible answer to these questions. I have only provided anecdotal evidence at best. It will take field time, extensive video documentation, and some help from sympathetic experts in the acoustics field to gather the necessary evidence to prove or disprove my theory. I do however think it is plausible based on my observations and research. It is a good starting point to build on.

Video of a Bigfoot in "Stealth Mode" in part 2.


  1. A viable theory Scott.....the infra sound research you've shared and the pictures you've shown make it a very logical area to investigate . Can be quite humbling to realize there's more out there yet to discover than we can imagine . Nice work .

  2. Their hair shafts are hollow, almost translucent and may aide in them being able to " blend in "

  3. This is amazing to see. There are govt agency that have been using sound in very low freqency for the pourpose for many years. I have herd stories from elders about bigfoot being invisable when he wants to be. This footage is a great start of prof. I was wondering would a ultra violate camera or with a thermal help see there heat when in stealth like this ? Keep up the good work,excelent therory.

  4. Scott, one other researcher from Oklahoma, mentioned that one creature was witnessed walking then disappeared
    in the open not in the woods. This would preclude the use of trees and brush for a blending or deversion camo-flage. "Deversion Camoflage" is a term I just made up. It would refer to the ability to devert your attention to the surounding enviroment and not the actual object
    that is being camo-ed. I am by no means knowledgable on
    the subject, the theory of water vapor being used to bend light rays, would be dependent on the water content
    of the air, the humidity if you will. Keep bringing these theories up I have been waiting 40 years to hear

  5. this creature is very much part of nature,not needing tools,clothes,or fire,so your theory,to me,is a very sensible possibility,thanks for shareing scott.

  6. kinda out there Scott, but then again, two years ago I thought P/G was a fake. Let's see where this takes us.

  7. I am so hooked on all of your work Scott, I keep checking your You Tube every day for new clips. It would make sense about the infra sound and also to add to bfbeliever1's comment...the hairs of a polar bear are also translucent and not white as most people think. Animals and other species have adapted to make the most of the surroundings they live in. I can't doubt the existence of Bigfoot and your videos show there is every reason for people to come to terms that they do exist. You go down that trail a lot, do you think it's the same squatch that left you the mint? You have an avid follower here in the UK. Would just love to come over and walk one of those trails.

    1. This could be the same one but I am not sure. On this day I captured video footage of 3 different ones, white face, a gray one, and the one in stealth mode.

    2. I watched all your clips again last night and I'm starting to get a good eye for spotting them. The one that sneers at you did freak me somewhat. Trackersthename also has some really interesting clips. He had a few around him on one trek and didn't see them until he viewed it later on. Even when they are that close they aren't showing any aggression. Extraordinary. Very shy but curious creatures. I look forward to your next video :-)

  8. Would you ever consider doing a group trail? Or do you think that would scare them away if there were large numbers of people in the forest?

    1. I think doing a group would be counting productive. I know the BFRO does them and it is a mess. I think no more than two people.

    2. Yeah I did think that as well. Did you hear about the beer company in USA that is offering a $1,000,000 prize for whoever proves Bigfoot exists? It's a year long competition, I fear you are going to be getting some unwanted company on the trails, I hope that doesn't scare these creatures into unreachable places and make what you are doing more difficult. Keep your locations secret.

  9. At first thought now this is crazy. But then again people think Im crazy cause I know Sasquatch is real. I think people who cant see that the P/G film is not a hoax are crazy. Ive read in sightings were people say they seem to fade into the tree line. Ive also watched documentaries of Native Americans saying they can do amazing things. Things we just dont understand.

    1. Ive never seen a sasquatch but that P/G film is undeniable.Its a Amazing creation,what ever it is.

  10. Hi Scott. Your video was a day changer for me. I am just an arm chair bigfoot video watcher but for months now I thought I had some special power to see Sasquatches that other people were not seeing. I often see a blue haze where they are. In one video I saw where a sasquatch was standing being filmed and a blue hazy electrical looking aura thing came flying towards the camera. It is in a video called The Camp by Nekea Barajas. She and her husband live and film in a very close to humanity, area where there are, sounds crazy I know, hundreds of them. In the trees, bushes, in the open. In their videos you see a lot of cloaking. They don't try to hide from them but when they get too close you see them just kind of haze away. Like I said, I thought I had some special gift and was relieved to see that you posted your theory in this blog. I agree 100% with what you are saying. They can't just disappear. Way to blaze the trail, Scott. Love your videos and have seen many green faces in them. Keep up your amazing work. Thanks, Susan

  11. Thanks for sharing this interesting theory Scott,and amazing pics as well. I've been doing a lot of research into other fields. There is not enough BF activity around these parts,to make it a full time endeavor,but I'm hoping that may change eventually,lol.
    My point is,there is so much weirdness out there,and I remember,,Scott,said long ago,think outside the box. Be unconventional. Yes. I will remember that advice for years. Let's face it,if these beings were simple,or even a little complicated in nature,,it would already be in fact,and we would not be wondering today. And if anyone can figure out some facts about behavior,family/social organization,etc,,I'd say it'll be you Scott.

  12. You should contact pearl prihoda, she has done a lot of research on this very notion. Her theory of cloaking median differs but there is no question about it, Bigfoot can blend in or go invisible. You can see the foot falls but no Bigfoot. Good post.
