
Monday, March 18, 2013

David Paulides Talks About His New Missing 411 Book on Coast To Coast AM

Listen to Dave Paulides in Coast to Coast AM talking about his new book in the Missing 411 series.


  1. "Video has been removed by the user." Maybe I can find it on youtube.

    1. You are most welcome...thank you for posting this I actually couldn't find it on youtube.

    2. I tried and get: "Video has been removed by the user."


    3. Fixed again, they keep moving it around..

  2. Scott, I just ordered David's new book from NABS. It should be as good as the first two. The first two keep
    getting read over and over. I defy anyone to come up with a clear answer to these occurances.

  3. Great interviews. I really enjoyed the one with Dave Paulides. Glad they mentioned about the bright colored clothing. I loved walking in my parents woods it connects to a big national forest. There is something in those woods I can just feel it when I'm there. I refuse to go visit them after dark also. My parents don't agree they are in their mid and late 80's. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for sharing Scott. David's work in the 411 books are outstanding. I've read the first two. Will be ordering the latest soon. IMO this is something that goes beyond the definition of strange. How many times have we been out in the forest,alone,and unarmed? Myself,countless. Thankfully I have a new appreciation,and more importantly,an awareness. With that,however,comes many,many questions.
