
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NEW BOOK - The Bigfoot Field Journal - Volume 1 - DNA Study Version eBook Published


With the DNA study being published and the NDA being lifted I can finally publish my eBook entitled "The Bigfoot Field Journal - Volume 1 DNA Study Edition. This is a very detail account of my research from 2009-2010 to include details and pictures of the Bigfoot that were DNA donors in the Ketchum Bigfoot DNA Study

I was a participant in the study submitting over 30 hair and saliva samples. (Sasquatch Genome Project) After screening 11 samples were identified as Bigfoot and mitochondrial DNA test were run on these samples. The test confirmed that the hairs were Bigfoot (Sasquatch) hair. Three samples were viable enough to produce a full  mitochondrial DNA profile.

I  selected the eBook format because of the large amount of detailed data and high definition pictures in the journal. The journal is 470 pages in PDF format. You can click the "Buy Now" links on this blog and download your copy. By using the eBook format I was able to keep the cost extremely low at only $15.00. The Adobe PDF format is readable on most portable devices and all computers by downloading the Adobe PDF reader.

You can CLICK HERE to go to the purchase page or click one of the "Buy Now" buttons located on this page.

This is just volume 1 and I am working on a volume 2 that will include chapters on the Dogman. Exciting times to be in the research arena!
A special thanks goes out to Dave Paulides, Richard Hucklebride, and Chuck Prahl. They all helped me tremendously with this journal including a stellar forward by my friend Dave Paulides.




  1. I have been wondering if you know if Dr. Ketchum processed any possible dogman samples or if you were able to send in any possible DNA samples from your sighting of the dogman?
    Wondering about the relationship between bigfoot and dogman if there is any. I cannot wait until you publish the next one. As soon as payday is here I will be purchasing this one so happy you did this! Thank you!

    1. Lol Scott good work. I look forward to my next payday too and purchasing it. I can't wait for the next one and that DG news. Thanks again for all the hard work, patience and definitely perseverance through the bad/hard times.

  2. Congratulations Scott !! Can't wait to peruse these years of your research. I think it will effect people when they do go out in the forest ,opening their eyes to the signs around them ,as well as how to gather or just leave alone and enjoy looking at what they find with a new understanding. Will you be publishing in paper also in the future ? Can you imagine enjoying your book on a camping trip or receiving one as a gift ? I'm sure we will appreciate your book in any format. The title is great ...really draws a person to turn the page knowing it will be full of hands on information and photos . There's a lot of books out there dealing with mostly sightings , this is going to be refreshingly interesting.

  3. Scott... I just started to read your book! I must say even your forward and your preface are appetite whetting, I've just started reading but I already had to stop and tell you .... I'm so glad I purchased your book ! Your attention to detail is amazing , and explaining up front how every picture was so scrutinized will make each picture that much more appreciated . I'm off to read more. This is so interesting that I have to actually force myself to slow down so I don't miss any details. I know any one who purchases your book will definitely be glad they did !!

  4. Well....I finished this book , and I must say , I was not disappointed . You really take the reader on a journey with you Scott ! Your descriptions of what you were seeing , hearing , smelling and thinking make a person feel like they experienced it too . You really showed some insight on how bigfoot thinks too , exposing a little of their illusive personality .For example how when you annoyed them by going too fast rocks would be thrown ahead of you , and the back and forth inter action with the gifts and rock formations . I could write a whole page , but I'll end here and say ....Awesome job Scott !! Congratulations ! I do hope you publish in paper back one day .....would be nice to see this book in the book shelves .

  5. Should have read here before posting my previous comments yesterday...pretty much answers the questions I more time again...
