
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bigfoot or Shadow - Trail Camera Video

A loop of the eye shine
I captured this trail camera video at the public land research area. There is a dark figure in the back ground. Is it just a shadow or is it something else? I think it is a Bigfoot because of the eye shine that can be seen several times during the video. Please note that I had the camera set to take one picture a second for 60 seconds. It allowed for a high definition capture. Video mode is lower resolution. That is why the video is jumpy on second elapses between each picture.


  1. Love your posts but miss the music...thanks for what you are doing!

  2. Yeah, I miss the music, too! There looks to be a face there, but who's face? I don't know.

    1. I had to remove music, the composer changed his usage policy and I had to remove the music. Better to have no music at all, if I ever post a video that goes viral and I use "duty free" music you can bet the "owner" of the music will show up and demand to get paid! So this way no I will not have to worry about it...

    2. Awww...what a shame but surely understand your decision. Thanks for telling us what happened. : ) Have a great weekend!

  3. Scott, looks like you've got one and maybe even a couple more. Take a look at the area just to the right where the trees and branches form 2, sort of box shapes. Looks like possible eyes and a nose in the top one and a full face at the bottom of the lower box. There's a few more "suspicious" looking shadows in other areas of the view field, too. Could just be wishful thinking but it sure looks like something...might be the same group that you've caught previously.
