
Friday, January 25, 2013

Bigfoot, Feral Human, or Pareidolia - Crazy EYES!

Still Capture of the Bigfoot's "Eye"
I am taking a closer look at the Bigfoot that was peeking around the tree at in my previous post. I converted the video to black and white and adjusted the sharpness. This brought out the detail of the Bigfoot's eye. In several frames you can clearly see the iris and the movement of the eye as the Bigfoot is looking around.

Below are five still captures of where the Bigfoot's eye is clearly visible. Note how the eye changes position as it looks around.



  1. Hi Scott ....We miss so much if we glance at something too quickly . I like how you look at each frame carefully and catch so much more . I wonder what the big guy was thinking about you as he watched you . The fact that he could so easily hurt you and doesn't , do you think shows he sees something similar to himself when he looks at you? I like how you brought your dog with you and kept him with you at your side, like extra ears , nose and eyes in the bush . Thanks for sharing with us in such a reasonable common sense manner .

  2. Well. There it is. Amazing work again my friend. I really like Kay's comment as well. This is something that should be considered,,in depth perhaps. As in why some of the beings act in certain ways. To rule out anything,in any form,may not be prudent. Perhaps it is something they see in people,like Scott. Could it be they understand,,some how,,he is there to learn,and not harm? IMO,it looks that way. And when you take into account all the stories of a huge shadow in a window,,in the dark hours before dawn,,perhaps some are just as curious as we are. Thanks Scott.

  3. I knew something was odd,,but it just hit me. Is it me,,or is that whites in the eyes?! Because if it is,,that would be interesting with a capital I! Another very prominent BFer,happens to have a video that I'm sure your aware of,,that shows a supposed BF,,,with eyes similar to what may be seen here. Many comments state the subject caught on the cam is a horse. I'm inclined to disagree.

  4. Check out bigfoot print on the ground in my blog. Here in Borneo, no bigfoot but I belive at previous times, bigfoot exist.

  5. I think it is a BigFoot that has early balding on his forehead, just like some humans do. I can see big cone head, his eyes, the big left ear, and his nose and mouth. The best signal is that your dog wanted to run and sensed the BigFoot. You knew he was out there somewhere! Thanks for some more fasinating still shots.

  6. Great work, again Scott! How do you DO that? No, seriously ... I have made the comment that you must go over each frame with a 10x loupe... in jest... but I had to ask myself seriously after I watched this analysis develop. Elsewhere I have asked you about how you rig your backtrail camera... if you put all your knowledge about your research techniques in an Ebook I would be the first one in line to buy it.

  7. These are truly amazing shots. The eye is unmistakable, and since the eyes are unmistakable the rest is then even more real. Awesome.
