
Monday, December 31, 2012

Bigfoot Sighting - Eyewitness Interview

My wife had a Bigfoot sighting in April of 2011. Here is the interview I did the morning after and the follow-up.


  1. It's probably nice to have your wife on your side with this. At least it seems she is more convinced now. That wood track/woods that is 0.3 miles away, are the Sasquatch residing there, or are the coming down from the hills? Good works Scott!
    When I was about 13 my brother heard what sounded like an old lady whining in the back yard. My older brothers were to scared to go back. Well I walked halfway back and I saw a bipedal creature only about 4 feet tall, it was white and skinny. My brothers got all scared and ran back into the house. A few days later the old neighbor lady told my mom that she heard whining/moaning all night just out her window and did not dare look outside. My biology teacher said that a cougar will whine/moan like an old lady. However we were about 2 miles from the mountains this thing was on 2 legs. I do not think Bigfoot whines/moans like and old lady. Some other cryptid maybe?

    1. It could be a BF, I have heard them scream, mumble, and moan.

  2. Thank you, young people. Mrs. Carpenter, your description of the footsteps going away sounds exactly like what I heard back in about 1975. Some individual reached in through a clerestory window (8 feet off the ground), grabbed my 15-year-old daughter by the ankle and dragged her down her bunk bed toward the window. I heard the footsteps when the individual ran: seven heavy footfalls, in 4 seconds, and the runner had crossed four lots and gone into the river. My daughter and my husband were 100% terrorized: by the next morning, they refused to even admit that the event had happened.
    I'm relieved that younger people coming along are doing practical investigations of this creature. There's no way to guess what could have happened if that creature had been able to get my teenager out of her room. Every time I see a news article about a missing child, I remember. Thank you for your courage: thank you for investigating this hairy giant.

    1. Thank you, at 49 makes me feel good to be called "young". I appreciate your comments.

  3. Mrs. Carpenter , nice job on your description . Thank you for sharing your experience with us . Listening to Scott's questions and your answers were not only interesting but also I learned what details to notice if I'm ever in that situation and how to carefully check the area ( even a broken blade of grass shouldn't be overlooked . Well done !!

  4. Just my guess, maybe it had just climbed over, or was about to climb over, that fence. Maybe the barking dogs "froze" it between the trees, or encouraged it to take cover there.

    That large wooded tract that you show looks surrounded by houses. Have you tried to interview people who live on the edge of the woods? I think the BF is looking for pet food or other food in the yards close to the woods. You should install some kind of video/sound recorder on your deck to try to get something.
