
Monday, October 15, 2012

The Bigfoot "Hot Spot"

Hair collected from the "Hot Spot"
I have posted a video giving detailed information about the "Hot Spot" in the Nation Park Location. In this one area I have collected hair for the DNA Project, captured both trail camera and video footage of Bigfoot, found numerous foot prints, and scat.


  1. Ahha! That's how you did aweful lot of thought and planning went into this process, not to mention time and money as well. That's what makes following along with you so interesting Scott. You're always thinking out of the box so to speak. Any idea when there might be some results from the DNA study? Have they given you even a little preliminary info you might be able to share? Thanks again for the insight into what it takes to be a successful Bigfoot researcher. Be careful out there!

  2. No date on the DNA study, and I can not share any results due to a NDA I signed...

  3. Enjoy the work Scott. And by work, I mean work. You're definitely one of the hardest working and ingenious BF researchers I'm following, that are showing results. Always look forward to your videos.

  4. So, much for the ol'e addage "Take nothing but pictures & leave nothing but foot prints"...nice Park Service.

  5. Thanks for all of the hard work you do and sharing it with the rest of us! You are one of the best and brightest BF researchers I've seen. Thanks again!!
