
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bigfoot and Infrasound

Theory: The Bigfoot can create and use infrasound

Infrasound analysis of the “Sneering Bigfoot Video Footage” Location: Public Land Research Area


The "Sneering Bigfoot"
On April 30th of 2010 I captured a few seconds of a Bigfoot peering through vegetation and sneering at me. A interesting aspect to the video is that I did not discover I had captured the sneering Bigfoot until ten months later. I was reviewing the the videos I had taken during the expedition that day when I found the video clip with the Bigfoot sneering at me. I have no recollection of the Bigfoot or the making of this video. I had what is known as a “missing time” experience. If not for the video camera I would never have known about the experience. Another odd aspect is even though I zoom in on the Bigfoot I never utter a word. I do not comment or react. I zoom in and out on the Bigfoot twice and then inexplicably turn and walk away!

I have a theory that I was bombarded by infrasound that caused me to “loose time” and then not remember what I had seen or done. In order to test this theory I needed to find software that was designed to detect infrasound. The human ear can not detect sounds below 20Hz but we are sensitive to the affects of these sounds or better vibrations at or below 20Hz. I fortunately was able to locate freeware called “Audacity”, which is an enhancement software for music. It specifically was designed to allow you to filter and “clean up” your recordings and to improve the sound quality. One of the functions of the software is to detect ultra low frequencies (infrasound) and allow them to be filtered out because this will cause distortion in your recording. This function would allow me to detect if infrasound was present during the time I was capturing the video of the “Sneering Bigfoot”. The software algorithm would not show a continuous output of the frequencies in real time but it would calculate the average frequencies during the snippet selected. This will work for my purposes since I am interested in the presence of infrasound and the frequency/amplitude at which it is being created.

In order to measure the infrasound in real time I used a freeware program called “Wavepad©”. This software shows the frequencies and their amplitudes in real time. This would give me a more accurate measurement of the amplitude spikes during the snippets.

I also had to make sure my video camera's microphone was sensitive enough to capture sounds at or below 20Hz. The Sony HandyCam® DCR-SR68 has a high quality built in Zoom Microphone. This is able to record sounds lower than 20Hz.

Now that I had my software and was confident that my hardware was able record infrasound, I started my analysis of the video for any possible infrasound.

I have broken the video down into segments based on how close I was to the subject before, during, and after the event. The filter's chart shows both the frequencies and the amplitude. The amplitude is measured in decibels (dB) with 0 being the level of distortion. This means the filter scale is based on negative dBs so the higher the negative number the lower the amplitude. Normal speech volume on this filter scale would be between -70dB and -50dB with loud rock music around -10db.

I used the video editing freeware “Avidmux” to extract the audio from each clip into a .wav file. The .wav file was then loaded into the filtering software and the analysis option was chosen. The filter levels were set to the following specifications in order to detect frequencies lower thank 20Hz:

Algorithm – Spectrum
Function – Hanning Window
Size – 16384
Axis – Log Frequency

The first snippet is a control sample. I extracted the audio file from video that was taken when I first arrived at the area and was entering the woods. I am approximately one half of a mile from the video location.

The infrasound amplitude average for 20Hz is -78db while the average for 3Hz is less than -90bB

The second snippet was taken when I was still one hundred and fifty feet from the island where the Bigfoot was located and the event occurred.

The infrasound amplitude averages have risen slightly. 20Hz is now averaging -65dB while 3Hz average has increased to -83dB. This is a increase of 12 dBs for 20Hz and 7 dBs for 3Hz. I am at the “Stick Shelter” during this snippet. I do not know if I may have had a Bigfoot around the “Stick Shelter” that was using infrasound to communicate with other Bigfoot or if it was trying to influence or disorient me.
The third snippet was taken when I am fifty feet away from the island and I was slowly walking closer.

The infrasound amplitude averages have fallen slightly as I approach the Bigfoot hiding on the island. The 20Hz amplitude has dropped to an average of-73dB and the 3Hz has dropped to an average of -87dB, which is an 8dB drop for the 20Hz and a 4dB drop for the 3Hz. 
The fourth snippet is the actual event. I am standing on the shoreline edge filming across to a overgrown island. The distance from where I am standing and where the Bigfoot is located on the island is approximately thirty feet. The water depth is only about three feet and covers an old road bed that runs in between the mainland and the island.

Actual still capture from the video of the Bigfoot as Infrasound was being produced.
The entire range of infrasound frequencies has risen by an average of 10dB. 20Hz frequency is now averaging an amplitude of 63dB an increase of 10dB. 3Hz average amplitude has increased by 7dB to 80dB. The real time analysis using the “Wavepad” software shows the highest spike during this snippet was -33dB for 20hz and -35dB for the 10hz frequency. The real time analysis also shows a variation in the amplitude of the infrasound frequencies during the snippet. These variations in my opinion demonstrate that the infrasound is originating from a biological source not a man made source. You can observe what appears to be the Bigfoot taking a breaths during the snippet. The infrasound frequencies drop off the scale for approximately half a second then jump back up to the higher amplitudes.

The above graph shows the spike in the snippet for the 10Hz and 20Hz frequencies.
Though I cannot hear it I think it is defiantly having an influence on me. It is well documented that infrasound can have a range of negative effects on a person including nausea, causing a feeling of dread or panic, memory loss, emotional distress, hallucinations, blurred vision, and a even loss of consciousness. The Department of Health and Human Services released a study, “Infrasound - Brief Review of Toxicological Literature”, that chronicles these affects and more.

In the fifth snippet I am still standing in the same location but I have now turned my back on the Bigfoot and I am starting to walk away slowly.

The infrasound range is now at its strongest amplitude of the entire event. I have just turned my back to the Bigfoot and have started to walk slowly away when the Bigfoot increases the infrasound intensity. The 20Hz frequency is now averaging -60dB and the 3Hz is averaging -79dB. The entire infrasound frequency range's amplitude has increased by an average of 20dB from the control snippet. 
The Wavepad analysis shows the spikes in the amplitudes during this snippet climb to an astounding -40dB for 10Hz and -34dB for 20Hz. On this scale these amplitudes are the equivalent of someone screaming. 

The affect on me was a loss of memory and a lack of reaction to what I was seeing. I have no recollection of the events that transpired on the video footage I captured. I do not seem to have any physical distress on the video. I show no signs of incoherence or loss of balance. I just simply turn and walk away as if I am under the Bigfoot's influence. I would liken this to the “Old Jedi mind trick” in the movie Star Wars where the Jedi would use mind control to suggest a person take a course of action not of their own free will.

In the sixth snippet I am approximately a hundred and fifty feet away from the island and the location of the event.

The infrasound range's amplitude is beginning to become less intense as I put distance between me and the Bigfoot. 20Hz is at 73db a drop of 13dBs and the 3Hz has dropped to -87dB which is a reduction of amplitude by 12dB. I still have not mentioned the encounter or had any reaction in this point of the video. I continue on my business in the research area as if nothing has occurred.

In the seventh and final snippet I am now approximately a mile away from the island and the location of the event.

 The entire infrasound frequency range has declined to negligible levels. 20Hz is a average of -75dB and 3Hz to 5Hz is off the scale below -90dB. 

The below chart graphs the frequencies and the amplitudes before, during, and after the event. This demonstrates the infrasound activity and the spike in the amplitudes during the event (10 Ft Sneering and 10 Ft Back Turned).


I am not an acoustic expert or a scientist. My findings are based on observation and common sense. I think that I was under the influence of infrasound during my encounter with the Bigfoot on April 30th , 2010. The Bigfoot manipulated my perception and sanitized my memory. Even more disturbing was the fact that I did not react to observing the Bigfoot. I had to have initially recognized what it was and where it was hiding. I made two attempts to zoom in on the Bigfoot and get a close up video. Sometime during this process I was subjected to the influence of infrasound and strongly influenced or “brain washed” into walking off. It is almost like my memory was wiped clean and I was given instructions to leave and I did.

I think the most interesting aspect of the event is my exposure to a combination of frequencies from 3Hz to 20Hz at different amplitudes and not just one particular frequency. I have read studies that claim 20Hz can cause hallucinations and that 7Hz is the resonant frequency of the body’s organs and can cause internal organ damage or death. I think it logical to conclude that the combination of different frequencies/amplitudes at the same time could be the key to causing the affects I experienced. The mixing of the frequencies and at the correct intensity is something the Bigfoot has mastered and can take advantage of at will.

The ramifications of this conclusion are far reaching. If the Bigfoot have this ability and can exercise it without limitation it will be difficult for a lone investigator to capture video evidence of a Bigfoot. If an investigator successfully finds a Bigfoot all it has to do is subject the investigator to infrasound and simply walk away leaving the investigator unaware he/she encountered a Bigfoot. This is why I think it is very essential that the investigator never turn their video camera off in the woods. I also think investigators should have a rear facing camera recording at all times.

More study and investigation of the infrasound ability of the Bigfoot is necessary in order to determine the range and effectiveness of this ability. Is it directional in line of sight or effective in all directions if one is close enough? Is infrasound being used as a communication method as well much like elephants and whales use it? Finally the most important question is can we learn to detect it and use this to our advantage to locate the Bigfoot.

In closing I think the evidence I have presented makes a strong case that:

  • The Bigfoot can produce and use infrasound.
  • That I was under this influence and was profoundly affected by it during this encounter.

This theory may be refuted by acoustical experts or scientist in this field of acoustics. I have openly admitted I have no formal training in the discipline of acoustics or infrasound. If I am refuted it would actually be a good thing. Currently it is virtually impossible to get scientist to look into this phenomenon. If this blog causes “experts” to look at the Bigfoot and infrasound then it will be a victory for the Bigfoot research community.

Source Material:

A Case for Infrasound - Cliff Barackman

Infrasound – Wikipedia

Acoustic Trauma : Bioeffects of Sound - Alex Davies BigfootA Honours
Many of the most profound effects of sound are attributed to infrasound in the region of 7Hz. This corresponds with the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain.It is also commonly alleged that this is the resonant frequency of the body’s organs and hence organ rupture and death can occur at high intensity exposures.”


  1. Scott, Have you seen New Authentication** #2 of 80 Camper films Auburn Sasquatch twice with Galaxy Note from Facebook/FindBigboot? I was wondering what your opinion on the video is? Thanks, Buster

  2. Scott, as always, one can always learn something from you. Thanks.

  3. What's the matter gang? Too much info to absorb? Scott
    has laid out some neat stuff here. Nobody has any thoughts? Ok, here's my thought. Whales and elephants
    use infrasound. Both I believe have resonating chambers.
    I don't believe primates could. How would a primate develope the sound neccesary? I think Scott, you are taking us into uncharted territory. Damn the torpedoes.

  4. Scott, there's another video where you are walking with the camera facing your face and mention that you think you are being hit by Infra-sound. You say you feel a sense of dread or fear and possible nausea or something. As you continue walking away you begin to note that the farther away you get the better you are feeling. I wonder how that one would look subjected to this array of software. Another thing I'm wondering is if the Infra-sound is recorded on the video whether or not it would ultimately affect you again, given the volume was high enough. It is not a hearing issue but the level of vibrations that affect you, correct? If so, then some level of volume would be required to create the same level of "vibration"? Do you think if the volume of the audio was at the same level as your experience would it have an affect on you as at the time of the actual experience? I guess you'd have to filter out everything except what is above(?) 20Hz to test this? Any way, definitely a thought provoking presentation, as usual...

  5. Scott, i sent you some snapshots from the video "Rock throwing and Bigfoot faces" via the blog email. Check them out and let me know what you think...

  6. Maybe the BF wasn't leering at you, but making the infrasound?

  7. Scott, a number of Bigfoot photo and video researchers, including yourself, mention that while filming they didn't see anything, but once home while reviewing the video they'll see a Bigfoot in the video. Do you think the Bigfoot have a way of dulling or diminishing the human senses, primarily visual? Maybe that's part of what this possible infrasound capability does or perhaps it's something additional to it? I've also noticed that they sort of take on the predominant color surrounding e.g green like the Bigfoot in the Laurel or their skin tone, predominantly facial, changes or adopts color from again green or white or Caucasian peach or varying brown tones. Do you think this is a camouflage or cloaking ability or is it just the nature or texture of their skin which reflects the light? There must be SOMETHING to it, especially given what I've seen lately. Anyway, just sharing some of my thoughts.

  8. Old man: The Sasquatch is a human-like primate. Whales and elephants are not primates. Comparing the two is an illogical comparison. Elephants do not use infrasound to cause other elephants to loose time or incompacitate them in some way; they only use it to communicate something to other elephants.

    If the Sasquatch had the ability to cause someone to "lose time," weaken or incompacitate another human -- that ability could stop conflicts and end war as we know it.
    Why would anything living a troglodyte life style have that ability?
    If they can incompacitate, why do they throw rocks at us?
    If they have some super power-like infrasound ability, why break the neck of a deer, why not just paralyze it with infrasound?
    If they can cause us to lose time, why do they bother hiding from us?

    It all boils down to one's perception, imagination and the mixture of chemicals in the brain under duress, stress, apprehension, anxiety and FEAR.

    FEAR is the culprit, not infrasound.

    1. Bobby,
      It's an honor to have you reading and commenting on the blog. On this issue we disagree but I still appreciate the input!

  9. Is it possible that infrasound could induce the fear response? Just a thought.
