
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bigfoot On The Shore (Blinking)

The Bigfoot opening its eyes/mouth
In July of 2011 my family and I went on a week long camping trip. My public land research area was very close to the campground we were staying at. During that week we took a boat trip down the lake to the research area and floated just off shore. I asked my wife to start calling out to the Bigfoot asking them to come down to the shoreline and visit us. After about five minutes both my wife and I noticed some movement back in the shadows.

The Bigfoot blinking/opening mouth looped
I being the "expert" Bigfoot researcher had left the video camera back at camp, but not to worry I whipped out my trusty iPhone and began taking video of the shore line. At the time we could only see movement but the video capture a vague face peering out at us from between the trees. During the video it appears that the subject opens its eyes and mouth at the same time as we float closer to the shore line.

Still capture of the Bigfoot on the shore
We were never able to get the Bigfoot to show themselves but I did learn that a woman's voice will definitely get their attention.



  1. My wife's call makes me hide in the bushes, too.

    1. Scott,

      @ 1:12, follow the larger leaning tree trun that leans to the left from the red dirt patch on the shore. Off to the right side of the tree is a black patch well up on that tree that disappears over the next 2-3 seconds.
      What do you think. Worth a look, IMO.

    2. Wow, Anonymous 5:19, I can see that now, too. Thanks for pointing it out!

    3. I sort of see what you're talking about. Looks like what ever it is actually pulls back behind the leaves to hide...

  2. got nothing but love for ua scott but i think you're reaching BIGTIME my friend.. i've studied the video and if you think you see ONEsasquatch then i def can point out 7-10 sasquatches...or shall i say blobsquatches!! nothing personal Scott its just my opinion.. i DO respect you as a researcher though and when it comes to collecting dna samples there is no one better!

  3. Scott, I remember this really's around the time I first discovered your video postings. Isn't this also around the time you captured the "sneering" Bigfoot video. That one looked pretty agitated with you at the time. Maybe it's calmed down by now are left your research areas...cause it sure looked like it might have tested your manhood if you would have been a little bit closer...once again, really interesting video post. Thanks much...

  4. @2;04-5 you can see the bigfoots eyes glowing from the darkness of the trees. and at the same time it looks as if it's got a frozen smile.-like he got caught and dosen't want to move a muscle. nice work dude! your the man!! thanks!

  5. Do Sasquatch "Sirens" have long arms instead of dorsel legs & sit on tree stumps with velvety black hair...seems quite the reseachers tool/aid to have handy.
