
Thursday, August 16, 2012

"X" Marks The Spot

In June of this year one of my big friends urinated beside the deck and then in July placed an X near the spot. Over the last month I have continued to check the X to see if there have been any changes made. This morning when I go out the X has been changed.

Below is what I found. The question is does this mean anything? Did the Bigfoot do this? If so were they forming a letter or symbol to communicate anything?

If you recognize this please let me know. It could be syllabics of some kind. It definately leaves me scratching my head.


  1. Isn't it possible that wind or an animal could have moved the sticks?

    1. Wind - Maybe, animal doubt it, but anything is possible as usual there is always an alternate explanation...

  2. or what about those barking dogs of yours?

    1. I have the dogs in the other side of the lot with a locked gate, so the dogs have no access to this side of the back yard. Did that on purpose in order to exclude them from being the culprits.

  3. Scott, in the past week for two nights I woke up gagging
    and my eyes burning. The bedroom window open and a fan
    drawing in the cool night air. Seems like a skunk thought it would be funny to test his defensive skills
    in our back yard. My point is little critters are up while we are in bed. With bigfoot peeing on your yard
    it may be attracting critters used to bad smells. Just a
    thought. Maybe they moved the sticks.

  4. Hi Scott,
    I know that critters could have changed the sticks, but looking at the August sticks, they seem to very carefully placed. Yes, there might very well be a message.
