
Friday, August 31, 2012

The Bigfoot "Goggle" Effect

This Bigfoot illustrates the "Goggle" Effect
One of the characteristics that we began to notice a couple years ago was the "goggle" look that almost every Bigfoot exhibited. It did not matter if it was a photograph, eye witness report, or a forensic sketch, the "Goggle" look was universal. Almost all Bigfoot have a genetic trait that gives them a protruding brow and deep set eyes. 

This trait makes it almost impossible to see the Bigfoot's eyes when looking straight at the face. It has also become a aid in locating the Bigfoot in videos and in the field. This look is unique, two large black dots surrounded by light grey skin. 

Eye Witness Sketch
A well known Bigfoot researcher friend of mine spotted a Bigfoot using this characteristic to locate its hiding place. My friend was scanning a thick patch of laurel along a stream when he recognized the distinctive "goggles" looking back at him. He and the Bigfoot stared at each other for over five minutes, when my friend turned his head and attempted to get my attention to bring the video camera to his location the Bigfoot slipped away and made a hasty retreat.

Another interesting aspect is that the Bigfoot will keep their hair groomed so it lays above the brow. This gives them what I call the "Eddie Munster" look. Round brow that comes to a point between the eyes. 

I have gathered several examples of the "goggle" effect. Most of these Bigfoot are from Tennessee but one of them is from Ohio.

Location - East Tennessee - Public Research Area

Location - East Tennessee - Public Research Area

Location - East Tennessee - My Back Yard

Location - East Tennessee - National Park

Location - East Tennessee - National Park

Location - East Tennessee - National Park

Location - East Tennessee - National Park

Location - East Tennessee - National Park

Location - Central Ohio
Location - Oklahoma


  1. Thanks for the visuals. I'd noticed that too.

  2. "Eye" see you!
    Always wonder why they also look differently w, almost shadowy, when in a photo. The mystery continues...
    Great job, Scott.

  3. Ok Scott, time for another stupid question. Do the eyes
    only reflect light at night or do they change to a glow
    in the daylight also as maybe a change of mood or anger?
    The bottom pictures seem to suggest this. Just asking.

  4. I did a blog on this very subject

    Hope this helps

    1. Scott, I went back back and re-read the post. Thanks. Sometimes I suffer from a short
      attention span. After being with my wife for
      thirty five years, made me think of glowing eyes and mood changes.
