
Monday, July 27, 2015

The Best Of the Bigfoot Field Journal - The Bigfoot In The Laurel

This is footage that I have posted before. I know for some this will not be new. I am amazed every time I look at this footage. I have a Bigfoot approximately thirty feet behind. The footage was taken while I was relieving myself. I had the camera filming behind me and captured a few seconds of this Bigfoot hiding in a laurel thicket watching me. The most compelling part of the video is at the end I begin to turn my shoulders and the angle of the camera changes, the Bigfoot starts to duck down, and the complete face of the Bigfoot is visible. This completely blows the “leafs and shadows” argument out of the water. The Bigfoot is also moving its mouth during the video which can clearly be observed. For brevity I am only showing the zoomed in footage. If you desire to see the complete footage you can search my channel for “Bigfoot in The Laurel”.

This is a Bigfoot in its natural environment, hiding, peeking, and watching. I had no clue I was being watched until I reviewed the video. Gray skin, high cheek bones, black hair, staying almost completely motionless in thick vegetation, this is the best you can do in my opinion.  The only way to get better footage without a body is an extraordinary event like the Patterson/Gimlin film. That is the last time a Bigfoot, for reasons still unknown and very out of character, walked in front of a human(s) with a camera for several seconds. 

So many “arm chair” Bigfoot enthusiast clamor for that clear, close up, high definition , several minute video of a Bigfoot walking in the open. I hate to burst your bubble but in my opinion this is very unlikely to happen. The most likely scenario where any type “in the open footage” is captured would be a tourist on vacation, probably the ten year old child in the back seat with a video camera. 

So many efforts have been made to obtain this elusive footage over the years. Several TV series have sprung up with the quest for the clear, high definition footage as the goal. Yet years have passed with no footage. Just some whoops and a few trees falling in the woods. I think the TV shows were more interested in catching an audience than gathering evidence that Bigfoot exists. The only recent show that has taken the subject seriously in my opinion is Les Stroud’s “Survivor Man – Bigfoot” series. In the interest of full disclose, I was a quest on the Finding Bigfoot show and also Survivor Man – Bigfoot. 

In my opinion Les Stroud’s approach is the correct approach. I hope in the future he endeavors to investigate the subject more thoroughly. This is not a field of study one can “put to bed” in a few weeks. Years will be necessary to crack the surface of this phenomenon known as Bigfoot.


  1. Scott, here is my thought on the problem of getting new footage like
    the P/G film. I think the pressure of modern life has removed us from
    our environment to such a degree that we no longer are in tune with
    nature. We no longer rely on our senses to understand the world we
    live in. We think in terms of seconds and soundbites. Nature doesn't
    operate that way. If we enter the forest at 8:00 AM we get bored if
    we don't get results by 8:15. In stead of listening to the sounds the
    forest is making, we think of the latest joke some late night comic made. As we go further down the path of modern life we get further
    away from what we seek. It's hard to see what nature eats when we
    are thinking about Big Macs and Diet Coke. On all the trails I have
    walked over the years, I have never seen a yellow warning sign that
    read "Bigfoot Ahead". Folks would see more if they would just clear
    their minds, relax and see what is around them first.

  2. As always Great Blog, Scott. Thank you. Let us also say a prayer that Les Stroud has no complications during his healing process. Thanks again Scott.

  3. It is absolutely some of the greatest documented evidence of bigfoot

  4. Absolutely Scott, I have been thoroughly impressed with Stroud's approach to this subject. I've long been aware of the reasoning behind other such shows. I continue to refer to your research quite often when out in the woods myself. You do great work my friend and hope to catch up with you sometime!
    Old Man, your right on the money. I often catch myself out in the woods and just not able to relax. That's something I really want to do is get better at tuning out the daily influences of this world and tuning into what's around me in nature. I really believe that's the key to getting closer to the big folks in the woods...

  5. Absolutely Scott, I have been thoroughly impressed with Stroud's approach to this subject. I've long been aware of the reasoning behind other such shows. I continue to refer to your research quite often when out in the woods myself. You do great work my friend and hope to catch up with you sometime!
    Old Man, your right on the money. I often catch myself out in the woods and just not able to relax. That's something I really want to do is get better at tuning out the daily influences of this world and tuning into what's around me in nature. I really believe that's the key to getting closer to the big folks in the woods...

  6. Scott, I have seen all of your amazing videos and I am beyond impressed. Yourself, MK Davis, and Thinker Thunker have quite a bit of talent. They both do incredible jobs at stabilization and I would REALLY like to see it in yours. Would highlight all of the movement with exceptional detail. Keep up the truly amazing work. My email is would like to ask u a question if u have a minute to email me it would be appreciated
