
Friday, April 24, 2015

Guest Appearance - Survivorman Bigfoot

I was privileged to host Les Stroud and David Paulides for their visit to East Tennessee and the Great Smoky Mountains. The show Survivorman - Bigfoot in which I appear will be aired Wednesday 04/29/2015 at 10:00 PM on the Discovery Channel and on Friday 05/01/2015 at 10:00 PM on the Science Channel. The show features the Great Smoky Mountains and other research areas in East Tennessee.

Please note: David Paulides will not be on the show. David decided to stay off camera. Below is  David's statment:

 "Les Stroud contacted me and had read my books and asked for assistance contacting witnesses and logistical ground support. I was offered on air time, I refused and stated I would give him two ultra credible people to put on their segments. Scott Carpenter works for us and is the centerpiece of this segment in the Great Smoky Mountains."


  1. You deserve the recognition ,all the work you have done ! Can't wait to see it. !

  2. You deserve the recognition ,all the work you have done ! Can't wait to see it. !

  3. Yu deserve the recognition for all the work you have done.! Cannot wait to see it !

  4. It was awesome seeing you in the episode, Scott! I'll bet it was a fun few days in the woods with Les and Dave. :-)

  5. Great job Scott. Just finished watching the video and I loved it

  6. Congrats Scott. You did a great job

  7. Scott's appearance on the show and the evidence he shared erased any doubts I had. I'm getting his book as soon as I post this comment.
