
Friday, July 11, 2014

The Bigfoot World Loses A Legend and I Loose a Dear Friend Chuck Prahl has Passed

I write this with a heavy and sad heart. My good friend Chuck Prahl has passed away. He was my buddy, some one to call and bounce ideas off of, someone I could debate and argue with yet it was always respectful and no matter how heated the debate you never got angry with Chuck.

There was no one in the Bigfoot world Chuck did not know. He interviewed the "Big hitters" of our time and many "Famous" people would take his call without hesitation. As far as I know everyone loved Chuck. He was fair, honest, and a good man.

I was blessed to call him friend. You will be missed Chuck, the Bigfoot world has truly lost a man that was its "behind the scenes heart and soul".

The "Bigfoot World" has lost an advocate and good man and I have truly lost a close dear friend..

I will miss you "Chucker Boy" and I love you brother.......

Bigfoot Buzz Anouncement

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