
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bigfoot Behind Me - Video Enhanced

Using my new software (Cyberlink Power Director) I have been processing and enhancing older videos. This is footage from 2010. This Bigfoot patiently watched me as I downloaded my SD card for at least 10 minutes. The head movement is very slight but can be observed. The eyes are so deep set they are almost impossible to see. Note the crows how they gather and react. Many of us in the Bigfoot research arena think that crows will follow and sound off when a Bigfoot is near. During the video you can hear the crows several times. The are very close and sounding off. At the time I had not yet put together the relationship between the crows and the Bigfoot. Also note how I know something is watching just do not know where it is.


  1. That's incredible how you ever spotted the Bigfoot in that cover. It amazes me how they can hold so still for such long amounts of time. Really fascinating work you do, Scott.

  2. I don't know how you have the nerve to go back out in woods after all you have seen. He was really close. Wonder why crows do that
