
Monday, November 18, 2013

George Knapp Had It Right All Along....

This article by George Knapp in December of 2012 was prophetic:

 George Knapp: I’m dreaming of a Bigfoot Christmas
<p>(no description)</p>
IN THE DARKENED elegance of La Scala restaurant, one of the most exhilarating — and chilling — conversations of my entire life spilled across the table. It happened more than two and a half years ago but is burned into my brain as if it transpired yesterday.
To my left sat a distinguished microbiologist, a scientist whose name is known all over the world but who keeps a low profile in his adopted town of Las Vegas. Two seats to my left was a former cop turned author and Bigfoot researcher named David Paulides. And to my right was Dr. Melba Ketchum, a DNA researcher who found herself in the middle of an unexpected but career-threatening controversy. It involves the hairy gent with Size 18, triple-wide feet, who is known by many names all over the world, but answers most often to his iconic nickname: Bigfoot.
Before I was allowed to see any of the key research material, I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement. I was thrilled to be among the first to see the information, but it has driven me crazy ever since. The only public utterance I’ve made is a prediction two years ago during a taping of the KLVX public affairs program Nevada Week in Review. Because of what I learned that fateful night, I made what seemed at the time to be a wacky, off-the-wall prediction during the program — that dramatic news would surface sometime in 2011 about the enigmatic beast known as Bigfoot.
  Since then, I have been needled relentlessly by my journalism colleagues, including veteran TV host Mitch Fox and fellow panelists Steve Sebelius and Jon Ralston. Oh, the humanity. So where’s the Bigfoot news, they repeatedly asked. I have been unable to answer, and it has been tough.
The well-meaning Dr. Ketchum naively assumed that the world of science would welcome her data with open arms and open minds. Her initial draft of a scientific paper unwisely referred to the existence of a Bigfoot-like creature, and she was certain the information from her study would receive a fair hearing from the scientific world. My friend the microbiologist gave her the sad-but-true news that no mainstream science journal in the world would ever publish a paper, or allow for an honest peer review, of any paper that mentioned Bigfoot or Sasquatch by name. Unlike my TV prediction, that one proved prescient in the extreme.

Click here to read the rest of the article.


  1. George Knapp, as well as the other co-hosts of the radio program
    Coast to Coast AM, I have always found to be worthy of our trust.
    Sometimes a program in the middle of the night dealing with the
    un-real makes more sense than listening to the insane real stuff.

  2. Mainstream science will never accept Sasquatch, unless the government stops collecting any and all recovered Sasquatch bodies.

  3. Sasquatch will be recognized someday - it's just the birthing pains right now.

    Meanwhile - Lamestream science has once again changed it's tune as it has re-discovered inconvenient facts, known thousands of years ago by the ancients - to be truth.

    November 6, 2013

    Earth-Like Planets Found to Be Common OMG - Who could have known that in the past???

    Scientists believe that extraterrestrial life is most likely to occur on so-called “Goldilocks” planets—ones that, like Earth, are not too hot, too cold, too large or too small. In 2009 NASA launched its Kepler space telescope, in large part to determine just how many of these planets exist. Now we have an answer. According to a paper published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, more than one in five Sun-like stars, or roughly 11 billion in the Milky Way galaxy alone, have an Earth-like planet orbiting them. The nearest could be less than a dozen light years away.

    The existence of planets outside our solar system was strictly the domain of science fiction until 1992, when scientists confirmed that at least two of them circled a rapidly spinning neutron star called a pulsar in the constellation Virgo. Another extrasolar planet was detected three years later around 51 Pegasi, a Sun-like star, and since then more than 1,000 have been discovered. Most of these, large and boiling hot, are incapable of supporting life as we know it. In 2011, however, NASA announced the discovery of Kepler-22b, the first known planet in the “habitable zone,” where liquid surface water is possible.

    And Blah, Blah,Blah! Who could have known that the Universe is full of life? IMAGINE THAT!

    Another Black Eye for the liars and doubters who engage in circular and faulty reasoning based upon their faulty thinking and ideas.

    I doubt it? Yeah, right!
