
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bigfoot Sighting Report - Infant Bigfoot Encountered at Footprint Location

I document a sighting I had on August 10th, 2013. This is in the same area where I discovered the juvenile footprints just a week earlier.



  1. Did you see enough to be able to make drawings of what you saw such as how the guy moved when he leapt and went up the hill? So cool you saw him!

  2. Scott what a great exciting experience getting to see it that close. I had goose bumps watching and hoping you had got a good take. I read online that a gut had problems with not getting video of bigfoot in his area and he took the bulb on his video out. He said the video still worked but the light wasn't there to keep them away. I can't remember what website I read that info on so I don't know if it worked for him or not. He put out cameras like you for research and had same problem. I wish I could remember where. Anyway, this is awesome. Can't wait to hear the audio. Have a great day.

  3. Thanks for the kind of proves your earlier thoughts on them being able to discern an electrical field somehow...maybe hear it.

  4. Great work Scott, you persistence is paying off. Don't you think that the Bigfoot are wise to seeing or hearing a click similar to a hunter taking the safety off a gun and what comes next.

  5. Wonderful experience Scott . I held my breath as you recalled in detail seeing this young sasquatch . There seems to be a higher number of adult sightings , so watching this infant was a rarer than rare experience . Glad it was you , because your attention to detail and willingness to share makes it possible for us to be there with you in a sense . Thanks so much Scott !

  6. Scott, this is not directed to you, because you know
    better. I would ask everyone else to please be wary
    when a young bigfoot is seen, it may be being watched.

  7. Way to go Scott!!! That's awesome times 10!! Can't wait to see what else happens on down the road with this situation!
    And to Old Man,,Sir,,once again you make an extremely valid point. Excellent advice indeed!

  8. Who was studying who? Who was the lesson for - you or the Bigfoot? The Bigfoot learned about human nature and the importance of being stealthy and keeping tracks hidden. The Bigfoot is also learning about human reactions to it's presence.

    YOU, Scott, might be the subject under study - and the Bigfoot has already demonstrated it's superior capability in it's natural environment. It lives as a part of nature - not outside nature - modern industrialized man is no match for a Bigfoot.

    Industrialized civilization will eventually disappear - it is already on the way out - Nature will eventually reclaim the environment, and Industrialized man will disappear.
