
Monday, July 29, 2013

Bigfoot Research - Suspicious Figure Captured on Video

On my visit to the National Park feeding station I was being constantly harassed by stick snaps, foot falls, and barely audible vocalizations. During the peek of the activity I caught a glimpse of a Bigfoot darting between the trees on the hill side above me. I climbed the hillside in pursuit only to find nothing but one barely visible footprint. Then it dawned on me that the Bigfoot showing itself on the hillside may have been a distraction to get my attention away from the area in the valley. 

A close review of the video revealed a suspicious black/gray figure lurking behind me just moments before I saw the Bigfoot on the hill side. If this was a distraction it worked to perfection! Below are a few still shots, enhancements, and before/after shots. Is this a Bigfoot? 


  1. In a couple of the time stamp photos it looks almost as if the figure is distorting the light around it. Like its in a "cloaked" mode. I can't get that out of my head since you blogged on that awhile back. It's a good theory.

    1. This "distorting" is very common. I have taken and been sent many photos where the witness saw the subject clearly but when they attempted to take a photograph it was blurry only around the area where the BF was located. I do not think this to be a coincidence.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My advise is to put trail cameras all through that area. If there are more than one bigfoot as you claim, one is more than likely to trigger it. I would have one camera set pretty far back from a game trail and one close up. Consider taking the flash off so that you won't scare them off at night.

    1. hi, that would not work. These creatures can see the infra red signature of the cameras, or any IR device for that matter, just as clear as though it was a torch light shining. Thats why theres no clear photos of the bigfoot. No, if these guys get caught in a photograph, its because they want to be caught in a photograph. These are not dumb ape like animals we're dealing with, thats where the researchers of the last 50yrs have been going wrong, these are sentient beings, that have been around at least since the last ice age, and are clever enough to out smart every single person thats tried to catch, find, film or locate there bones from day one. Putting up trail cams will only result in washed out images and unreadable blobs. The enigma is no longer "if" these guys exist, but more of "who" are they, and "what" are they.

    2. Sotabound Check out Scott's posting dated July 23 2013 he tells about the trail cams he put in the feeding area. BF was not a happy camper.

  4. The trailcam idea has been shown NOT to Scott and many others. That's a closed subject in my opinion. Scott is gets an image IF they want you to get an image..simple as that. Scott has "claimed" there are more than one and he has proven it time and time again. These are not solitary beings..if there's one there's more.

  5. There is a lot of confusion and misinformation running amuck about trail cams. Trail cams do not emit infrared light or any other kind of light until they take a photo in low light conditions. Other than that, they just sit there in a hibernation state until the sensor picks up a heat source or detects motion, which triggers the camera. The sensor is a passive infrared sensor, meaning that it does not emit a beam, but rather only detects heat & motion.

    1. Shawn, you are correct, but the PIR sensor is constantly emitting a "signal" that can be detected by the BF. I have had them poke out the PIR sensors on my flood lights at my home. My neighbor directly behind me lost 4 flood lights the same way. Once the camera is triggered I think they can also see the IR that is emitted, time after time the stay back right at the edge of the IR light.


    2. I have a question. What would happen if you lined up 3 cameras on a branch increasing the radius of the area being photographed? As the bear meandered through you got 3 pictures. But with Bigfoot his/her stride is much longer faster even at a walk. So by the time the camera detects movement (1 Bigfoot step in) snaps a picture (2nd Bigfoot step out) he is out of camera range. Scott, Thanks again. Watching your videos is very exciting. You have drama, expectation, fright, heart pounding real reality here. The other item I have been curious about is Who does your sketches? Can he/she do pictographs for you? Maybe some stone etchings? To try & communicate that way. Thanks.

  6. Scott, for me these are the most convincing images you've published so far. I just hope the Sasquatch people gain enough confidence in you to come out and be seen. Good luck.

  7. Scott i really enjoy your post even though i always chew my finger nails off as it makes me nervous. i am a firm believer and i have come to watch only your video as there are so many fakes and people screwing around. you need to give those guys at Finding Bigfoot on animal planet some lessons! i don't know how you can go out alone as it is scary just watching. i did see the dark object by the tree before you even pointed it out and wondered if that was something! keep up the good hunting and stay safe.

  8. Outstanding work as always Scott! I can make out the details in the face,pretty well when I blow the shots of the Bigfoot trucking up the brush behind you.

  9. Scott I appreciate your work, I really do, but brother you need to have some sort of a GPS tracker on you at ALL TIMES,that would send out a beacon so you can be LOCATED.
    There are a lot of threats in this world and most walk on two AND four legs.Hopefully you have some kind of 'FIND ME' plan in place with your wife or friends. Stay safe out there!!
