
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bigfoot Research - Backtrail Camera

This is another video in the series where I answer subscribers questions. I am addressing how I rig the "Backtrail" camera in this video.


  1. Been experimenting with a handycam/night vision monocular set up lately. When I go camping I leave it running all night in my vehicle (the windows are tinted) pointed toward my campsite through a slightly open window. That plus leave a digital recorder going at the campsite and go walking around. So far it's been working pretty good. Picked up some eye glow on the cam and footsteps with grunting on the recorder. These guys are smart, no doubt.

    1. Greg, sounds like you have a good setup. I hope your able to get some good footage...

  2. Definitely working on it. Been having major computer issues and trying to upgrade ASAP. My pc is about 8 years old and just cant handle the hi-def video and software. Meanwhile I'm keeping and backing up anything I get and will try to share some when I do. I'm out in my area about two or three times a week. Sometimes they respond and other days its like I'm the only one out there. It does seem they are getting more used to me though. Keep up the great work Scott and I'll keep u posted...

    1. Greg,I wanted to wish you good luck with your research! Sounds like you have a good location. I'm not having as much luck as I would like,lol,but in the last year,I have had people tell others about my serious interests,and I have no doubt,in the last 30 years,they've been here. Including a sighting,two miles from my home,in 72,witch both men told me independently(and haven't spoken to each other in years,lol,when one told me his account,I had to hear the other,took me 10 months,but I found him!)that as they were leaving a parking lot of a huge piece of public hunting land,they heard this terrible scream,and looked up the hillside and seen that they thought was the biggest "gorilla"in the world! When they seen it standing on the hilltop,it took off running following the ridge a ways,then immediately took off straight down towards them,through brush so thick it was shocking,and sounded like a landslide! They both said they were so stunned by this,they were standing there beside their truck in utter disbelief,until it "roared" and the driver said that's when it hit him it was time to get out of there. They took off,and as soon as they hit the gravel road,the driver stated this thing came out of the brush like an explosion,ran past the front of their truck,within 30 feet,,on two legs,so fast it was a black or very dark colored blur,and he stated he knew then this was not a gorilla,but as it went into the treeline on the other side,they both heard this "WHOOOO-uh-uh-uh" sound. Both men said they never hunted within 20 miles of this area again!,lol. This gives me hope,however,at least there was activity here.

  3. Great video Scott. I have no doubt,in many years from now,your methods, research,and findings will be known as a standard in Bigfoot/Sasquatch research. While many raged and ranted,speculated/debated for hours,you went out and got results. That's awesome! I remember a post awhile back,when referring to your shoulder Cam,you asked researchers to try it out,and see what happens. IMO,,that's very commendable,for many,like myself,its often overwhelming to work around these fascinating beings,and their extreme stealth and hiding capabilities,and how to deal with that aspect when it comes to filming an area.
    I really enjoy your answers videos as well. I gives much more perspective,even for folks you may have their own ideas and even personal experiences about specifics of the Bigfoot and their behavior.
    I have been wondering something,and I don't think you've ever mentioned it. With your experiences with the dogmen,in your research areas,have you ever had,or thought one has visited your home? Anyone that's ever learned about these strange creatures,perhaps the most notorious characteristic they have is standing in front of a window,day or night,terrifying anyone unfortunate enough to walk by. I find this extremely troubling,for if anyone has no idea these creatures are indeed a reality,I could not imagine the emotional turmoil and such,as someone may experience after a close sighting.
    Thanks again,and looking forward to upcoming posts and videos,as always!

  4. This is really a nice and informative, containing all information and also has a great impact on the new technology. Thanks for sharing it,
