
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What do the "DNA Deep Throat" and the Ketchum DNA Study Have In Common?

I do not ascribe to Lloyd Pye’s theories concerning the origins of humans but I do find his work very interesting and thought provoking. I was watching one of his presentations when he mentioned what he called the “DNA Deep Throat”. This is a Geneticist that emailed him in 1999 with some very interesting assertions. Below is an excerpt from this email Pye received:

“Dear Mr. Pye:

I agree with your conclusions [that humans are genetically engineered] and will give you a few hints, if you wish [speaking] as a “DNA Deep Throat.” First, look up the huge discontinuities between humans and the various apes for: (1) Whole mitochondrial DNA; (2) genes for the Rh Factor; (3) and human Y chromosomes, among others.

Regarding #3, I refer you to K.D. Smith’s 1987 study titled “Repeated DNA sequences of the human Y chromosome.” It says “Most human Y chromosome sequences thus far examined do not have homologues [same relative position or structure] on the Y chromosomes of other primates.” Human female X chromosomes do look somewhat apelike, but not the male’s Y.

This means that if humans are a crossbred species, the cross had to be between a female ape-like creature [i.e, “creature of Earth”] and a male being from elsewhere.”

What I find interesting is this sentence:  This means that if humans are a crossbred species, the cross had to be between a female ape-like creature [i.e, “creature of Earth”] and a male being from elsewhere.  

When I read this I thought where I have read this before? Then it hit me, The Ketchum DNA study!, that is where I have seen something very similar. Dr Ketchum came to the following conclusion in her DNA Study:

In summary, we have extracted, analyzed and sequenced DNA from over one hundred separate samples of hair, tissue, toenail, bark scrapings, saliva and blood obtained from scores of collection sites throughout North America. Hair morphology was not consistent with human or any known wildlife hairs. DNA analysis showed two distinctly different types of results; the mitochondrial DNA was unambiguously human, while the nuclear DNA was shown to harbor novel structure and sequence. All known ape and relic hominin species such as Neanderthal and Denisovan were excluded as being contributors to both the nuclear and mitochondrial sequences.

Analysis of whole genome sequence and analysis of preliminary phylogeny trees from the Sasquatch indicated that the species possesses a novel mosaic pattern of nuclear DNA comprising novel sequences that are related to primates interspersed with sequences that are closely homologous to humans. These data clearly support that these hominins exist as a novel species of primate. The data further suggests that they are human hybrids originating from human females. This hybridization can be likened to humans with Denisovan admixture resulting from Denisovan males mating with human females.  The same type of mating potentially occurred with Sasquatch; however, in the case of Sasquatch, the admixture is human.  Though preliminary analysis supports the hybridization hypothesis, alternatively, it could also be hypothesized that the Sasquatch are human in origin, having been isolated in closed breeding populations for thousands of years.  Nevertheless, the data conclusively proves that the Sasquatch exist as an extant hominin and are a direct maternal descendent of modern humans.

I was thinking WOW! Human DNA sequencing shows that the female was human or from earth and the male was from an unknown origin or “elsewhere”. Dr. Ketchum finds that Bigfoot (Sasquatch) is a human hybrid with what we know as “human females” and a “novel” or unknown male! This could not be a coincidence especially when you realize that the study that Pye is referencing was done in 1987 and he was made aware of this in 1999. Dr. Ketchum’s study was just published in 2013.
Lloyd Pye also explains how the difference between our closest genetic relative on the planet differs by an astounding 30%, Pye writes the following:

“In the 1987 study Deep Throat referenced in 1999, the term "most" was used when pointing out that human Y sequences do not match with the Y sequences of higher primates (chief of which are chimps, supposedly the closest genetic relative to humans). However, since then it has been well established that in all chromosome comparisons between chimps and humans, their differences average 2% to 3%. Yet the difference between their Y chromosomes is 30%!

Obviously, something very dramatic happened to the human Y, something that can't possibly be explained by standard Darwinian evolution. The only plausible answer is, in fact, genetic engineering, but we all know mainstream science would, at all costs, avoid openly considering that as a possibility.”

This made me wonder, is the real reason the scientific community is savagely attacking Dr. Ketchum and the DNA Study related more to the Human Genome and the unexplainable anomalies rather than the existence of Bigfoot? Did Dr. Ketchum accidently stumble upon the “dirty little secret” that modern science has been trying to hide, that 30% of male “human” DNA just appeared and is not related to any other life on this planet?  That her discovery of the Bigfoot being a human hybrid with an unknown male progenitor relates directly to the human genome and its “30% unknown”?  That the human genome itself could prove scientifically that humans were genetically engineered by extraterrestrial beings or a Devine source (God)? 

Both of these scenarios are untenable for modern science and their belief in Darwinism, for this is their religion and it must be protected at all cost. 

You must admit it is an interesting hypothesis that is supported by more than just anecdotal evidence.  The howls and gnashing of teeth coming from the critics tell you something more is going on here. The implications are “earth shattering” in many respects and I wonder if we as a society are ready for the implications if this hypothesis is correct?  In the words of ole “Grandpa Jones” on the TV show Hee-Haw, “Truth is stranger than fiction”


  1. Scott, I just had a thought ( it happens ). The
    time line presented by the DNA study suggests
    the hybrid occurance took place 13,000 to 15,000
    years ago. Which to my basic knowledge coincides
    with the last major ice-age. The so-called bottle-neck effect in population growth also
    falls within that time line. Coincedence or

  2. Scott,,thanks for sharing. I seen this on the N.A.B.S blog last nite,,watched it,and thought it was really interesting. I happen to be very interested in the arena of research,sometimes known as "forbidden archeology".
    Mr Pye's presentation definitly rings a few bells,and he presents some very well thought out material and findings,however,this,as in quite a few concepts or theory's,come into direct conflict with my personal religious standing,as in Christian. I reckon that means this old country boy will never rub elbows with the mainstream scientific "elite",,lol. From the kind of behavior,and additiudes I've seen from these folks,,this will be something I will never regret,lol.
    Something very interesting,I stumbled upon in the bleak winter,(in the middle of a horrendous attack of the flu,) is a video presentation on youtube,that really gave me much to think about. Not only does this video tie in many of the "old worlds" myths,its supposed inhabitants and etc, it also brings up some intriguing opinions and ideas that almost all these theory's do not include,,,,,God.
    My computer/iPad skills are still in their,so I apologize for not posting a link here. IMO,this definitly provides ,a lot to think about,but it requires watching a few times,it is rather long,and they throw so much info and ideas and evidence out so fast its kind of overwhelming,lol. The video is on youtube,under "Hidden Human History Movie,hypothesis for consideration only"
    Thanks for sharing the presentation you found with us Scott. As you know,I have become a admirer of the N.A.B.S site,and body of work,and IMO,if more great minds would set egos aside,walk away from the drama and politics too often associated with the BF/Cryptid research arena,and expand their knowledge base,and most importantly(again IMO,) WORK TOGETHER,instead of work separately in little camps that too often limit understanding,,well,,,imagine what could be accomplished!!

    1. Robbie,
      Thanks for sharing about the other video. I watched it and as you said there was a lot of info. It was fast & Fascinating. Here is the link:
      I thought you might also like these links about the Emerald Tablets. The first is for reading, the second is someone reading them to you on youtube:

      Hmm? Thoth speaks about the land of the hairy barbarians, dwelling in caves of the desert. Could it be Sasquatch he was speaking of?

    2. Thanks MissinMisty! I will check out the ones you mentioned as well. I've studied The Emerald Tablets in depth,years ago. Before being consumed(I call it enthusiastically determined,lol) with the BF legacy,and Cryptids, I was nuts about wisdom. As in the mystery schools and ancient learning. When I first saw the movie I posted about,when it talked about Edgar Caycee,I was floored. I had to know more. After a couple weeks,reading or watching everything about this absolutely amazing man,it was mentioned where,while in a trance, he spoke of Atlantis. Now,while I was learning all I could of this,I remember an article,that debates the true age of the Pyramids,and other structures. They stated the current dating is wrong,and the pyramids actually date back to around 15,000-16,000 years.(unfortunatly,i cannot recall specifics,too much processing and not enough hard drive,lol)
      When the results of the DNA Study was released,and I seen the date as it was,(the origin of ) then it hit me where i heard that before recently! I thought that kind of seems like a weird coincidence,if it proves to be correct in the years ahead with the dating if the pyramids.

  3. I do not subscribe to darwin's simian suggestions. Hell, they have found bugs (spiders, bees) entombed in tree amber that "experts" claim are millions of years old. Last I checked, those insects are still around. And apes and monkeys are still around today too.

    1. Sorry but your comment says far more about your lack of knowledge of evolutionary biology than of evolutionary biology itself.

      Id make the effort of explaining a few basic facts to you but from those 2 sentences Ive gleaned that you would not be receptive to knowledge.

  4. One of the extremely important points you forgot to mention is that Primates have 48 chromosomes. Humans have 46. The evidence indicates that the missing chromosomes were fused together to create humans.

    Understanding that most genetic defects are lethal - some believe that the fusing together was the result of direct intervention to create Man as a worker. If you take the information on the ancient clay tablets from Sumeria as fact, that is what they describe.

    Humans are now playing with gene splicing and producing chimeras. Transhumanists are attempting to create a replacement for us, right now. It is speculated that there are those in the know who are using the human genome project to search for clues to the past that can be found in our genes. As those genes are an information storage device, and perhaps some special genes can be turned on/off to recreate man as a different creature.

    The “Wow! signal” of the terrestrial genetic code

    "As the actual scenario for the origin of terrestrial life is far from being settled, the proposal that it might have been seeded intentionally cannot be ruled out. A statistically strong intelligent-like “signal” in the genetic code is then a testable consequence of such scenario. Here we show that the terrestrial code displays a thorough precision-type orderliness matching the criteria to be considered an informational signal...Here we show that the terrestrial code displays a thorough precision-type orderliness matching the criteria to be considered an informational signal. Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of the same symbolic language. Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing rather than of stochastic processes (the null hypothesis that they are due to chance coupled with presumable evolutionary pathways is rejected with P-value < 10–13). The patterns are profound to the extent that the code mapping itself is uniquely deduced from their algebraic representation. The signal displays readily recognizable hallmarks of artificiality, among which are the symbol of zero, the privileged decimal syntax and semantical symmetries."

    1. Horses have 64 chromosomes, donkeys have 62, plains zebras have 44 and mountain zebras have 32. Using your logic the aliens must have genetically engineered donkeys too!

      Obviously chromosome fusion and fission isnt such an impossible biological feat requiring alien geneticists after all.

  5. Hello Scott - I always appreciate your work. I have a deep faith in God and Scriptures. With that being said, many believe that the discovery of Bigfoot would "shake the faith" of the religious; however, I think it would be the opposite. Consider a passage from Genesis: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown (Gen. 6:4). Doesn't it seem possible that this is a reference to the Giant Tribe (Bigfoot) breeding with human females (Ketchum's DNA)? Mighty men of old, a common Native American Indian perception. Love to know your thoughts.

  6. Scott,
    Great article as always. You asked the question: "That the human genome itself could prove scientifically that humans were genetically engineered by extraterrestrial beings or a Devine source (God)? "

    All of this talk reminds me of the H.G. Wells book The Island of Doctor Moreau . Makes me wonder where H.G. got the idea for his book? and this maybe the answer to your question?
    Thanks for the knowledge.

  7. Scott Im all for a lot of what you have to say, but Im finding it hard to swallow this stuff. Youre starting to loose me.

    Some of the flaky comments on here are indicative of why most people, including educated scientists, have very little respect for this sort of research.

    Its disappointing...

  8. Not to be rude to "educated" folks,as in most scientists I've had the pleasure to debate with,for they can lose me quick within their massive recollection of "book learning",and they are essential for so many good and positive aspects and etc,that make our lives better. However,when it comes to BF,if your not "flakey",,you will be considered that by almost every "educated"(witch unfortunatly too often means extreme narrow mindedness) person within hearing distance. IMO,for someone to consider fantastic and extrodenary entity's like BF,only to critize others for their accounts,ideas,or speculations of the many other areas of research that are not "politacally correct",many that have already been discredited,or,as more often than not,swept under the rug because it did not fit what was then considered the correct. If one would care to look,there is compelling discoveries galore,that contradicts so many of the claims we all know as "history". I heard an old man say years ago,"careful,you may end up too smart for your own good." I think that may be a good appraisal of the sorry state of mainstream science today,for it seems if they can't find it in a book,or make it appear within a lab,it does not exist. That's really disappointing.
    And does anyone actually expect many of the old gaurd of learned and distinguished "scientist's" to jump up,and run outside looking for something they've boldly(and obviously foolishly,lol,) claimed for decades is only misidentified animals,hoaxes,lies or mass hallucinations?? That's actually the scenerio I'm hoping for,but knowing severel "educated" folks myself,,they loath being wrong,and would work harder at anything than admitting so.
    And maybe that's one of the main reasons this arena of research Is so special,and why the DNA study means so much,to so many of us. And that is finally,what we've spent so much time thinking,learning and talking about,,looking for,,all the while being told and critized by many,is real. Has it been proven to the world. Nope. Not yet.,but I have a feeling it will. For now,Dr. Ketchum and N.A.B.S has proven their case to me,and from what I've seen,many others.

    1. "For now,Dr. Ketchum and N.A.B.S has proven their case to me,and from what I've seen,many others"

      And how did they prove their case to you? Yes it was because they were scientists using science so therefore it was credible. Anyone can claim anything about any subject, just like Pye does, but never seem to have credible evidence to back it up. At least Dr Ketchum had the balls to do legitimate research and publish her findings, not rely on claims by an anonymous "Deepthroat"...

      What I find so extraordinary and a bit duplicitous about a lot of the proponents of fringe ideas is how readily they are to dismiss science, labels all scientists as co-conspirators in some global plot and dismiss centuries of scientific knowledge and endeavour, yet then when it suits them to try to use science to back their ideas when it suits them, and ONLY when it suits them.

      Cant have it both ways...

    2. Mr Kennedy,,first of,let me apologize,if I seemed a bit asinine,for that wasnt the intent. And,of course,as I often regrettably do (often these days,unfortunatly,) I managed to cartwheel past the issues/etc in Scott's post,witch I doubly apologize. Re-reading my late comment,and yours,it seems to me that we happen to agree on severel points,instead of otherwise.
      Lol,I'm not an well educated fellow myself(obviously,,),but i do have this terrible fascination with many things,and I'm striving to learn more,and behave more civilized in my later years. My main burden,or curse,lol,is the malfunction of something mental,a.k.a adult a.d.d,witch causes mass confusion sometimes,and has also kept me away from a carrer in politics,or serious debate,.
      I agree with you 100% about many areas of fringe science,although some has really intriguing and thought provoking concepts,I most certinaly wouldnt accept new theories,evidence,etc,, until it was rigourously,tested and proven as the proverbial "solid as a rock" facts.
      When it comes to the presentation above that Scott shared,yea,,I see your point. And no personally I don't agree with a few things,but it does put a different view on things.
      I've read,and watched quite a bit of material on the "ancient astronaut" and "hidden human history",and as wild and interesting as many theories,and such can be,,I'm still trying to follow The Good Book,and my Faith. Witch puts me out of the debate on evolution altogether,and still black balls me from becoming a scientist. Well,,if all of us,here on this page, were "scientist" (as in the mainstream definition) we wouldn't be here discussing our shared,and so aggravating-ly sneaky,hair covered interest,,lol.

    3. Robbie, no need for an apology. I was probably being a bit too pointed in my remarks, I put it down to having a bad day...

      Science doesnt have all the answers and never will, but everyday it brings us closer to the truth about us and our place in the universe. No other area of human thought (religion, philosophy etc) has been able to achieve in all of our history what science has achieved in the last 200 years.

      I just wish people would understand and acknowledge that fact a bit more instead of trying to find fault with it at every opportunity. If Sasquatch exists, its science that will confirm that, if aliens exist, it will be science that confirms it, if we have alien DNA in our chromosomes, yes, it will be science that confirms that too...

  9. Tse is correct in his explanation.

    The proof is in the DNA and the skeletons. Homo sapiens dna is modified/altered as Lloyd Pye mentionned and other researchers. Ancient histoy from around the world from various culture tells us that we were engineered by "Gods" as a slave race. We are hybrids of the true Terrans aka bigfoot/yeti/almasti/yowie and the progenitor race whatever you want to call it. Line up all the fossil from the so called human evolution and you will see basicly the same skeleton structure on each subject with a size increase from specie to specie. Until you come up to homo sapiens. Where not one bone matches with the previous specie (Neanderthals). Neanderthal didnt go extinct, they evolved into what we called today Sasquatch.

    1. "Line up all the fossil from the so called human evolution and you will see basicly the same skeleton structure on each subject with a size increase from specie to specie. Until you come up to homo sapiens. Where not one bone matches with the previous specie (Neanderthals)"

      Sorry thats just not true, and if you claim that the "previous specie" to Homo sapiens was Homo neanderthalensis then you have a very poor understanding of human evolution. We did not evolve from Neanderthals but are sister species that both evolved from a lineage of Homo ergaster/erectus. There was a size increase, as well as changes in verterbral structure, rib cages, limb bones, hands and feet etc that show a clear pathway to modern humans.

      You claim that the proof is in DNA but then assert that Neanderthals evolved into Sasquatch, yet completely ignore Ketchums findings that there is no correlation between the DNA of the 2 species. You also forget that Neanderthals were inhabitants of western Eurasia and not one fossil has been found in the intervening millions of square kilometres between there and North America.

      Your assertions are typical of the mindset I refer to in my previous comment above.

  10. Somehow all this science talk seems to take away the joy
    of being scared around the campfire. The thought of alien generated DNA cruising around the shadows just beyond the firelight, puts a damper on a beer buzz.

    1. Well said...Oldman, from your comments I've read, you seem to be someone that I would enjoy drinking a beer with, while sitting around a campfire. Humility is considered to be a high virtue because so few people have it. I read somewhere that "pride comes before a fall"...ah many are bestowed with it! Some folks should learn that "humble pie" can be a healthy meal...Thanks Scott for all of the thought provoking and dare I saw "nerve hitting", ideas and concepts you continue to present to the readers of this blog!
