
Friday, April 26, 2013

More Dogman Strangeness

In the Spring of 2012 I was walking through heavy foliage on my way to the Bigfoot feeding station on my public land research area. The trusty back trail camera caught this interesting apparition watching me as I walked by.


  1. Replies
    1. Hmmm...wonder if his eyes can move independently like a lizard?

    2. Wondering why you are calling this an apparition? Do you think this is something different from Dogman? I was thinking it was Dogman but maybe I misunderstood what you are writing here?

    3. I used "apparition" because they are stealthy and difficult to see and capture on video.

    4. Oh I see. I was wondering if maybe he was there and then not there or something like that. His eyes sure are creepy! Please be careful in the woods. Thank you for answering my question.

  2. Is this a re-run or is this new ? The eyes dont appear to be uniform or symmetrical. Looks like a fox

    1. New, if it is a fox he is floating in the air six foot up, or if the fox is that big I need to stay out of the woods....

  3. it looks like a fox-like head

  4. An interesting listen - Joseph P Farrell on the Ancient Cosmic War with Giants

    Renowned researcher with a PhD from Oxford University, Joseph P. Farrell presented evidence for a hidden history of mankind that involved tyrannical giants and an elite race bent on genetic mutation. The Greeks, Hopi, Mayans, Iroquois, Aztecs, and the Bible all recorded an ancient war against giants in the dim past. "I was astounded at the parallels between all these very, very divergent cultures,"

    Farrell cited ancient cuneiform tablets that suggest some type of genetic manipulation took place in which prototypical Earth females and Annunaki-type males were mixed to form modern humans, to serve as a slave race. This is particularly problematic, as our "cousins" may return one day to claim us as their property, he warned. Such ancient genetic engineering also produced chimerical beings composed of various human and animal components, he continued.

  5. Ok. Yea..that's a little much at this hour my friend. I've looked at this for a few minutes,and its took me a few more to think here. Ok. Is it just me,or is it this section of video strike anyone as extremely spooky,if not bordering on terrifying. The skeptics love the "P" word,as in paradolia. If I was a betting man,I'd say the definition of the term,has no where in it,that would explain away those eyes,as in pertaining to the detail,and the clarity of said eyes. IMO,they almost reek of,well,loathing maybe? Maybe your hike thro caught it off gaurd,and its unhappy? Whatever emotion is coming out of the eyes of this entity.or being,it may not have Anyone's best interest in mind,but thankfully,Scott,this is obviously another encounter you've walked away from. I hope and pray that you can keep up your outstanding work,and research,and reach home safely,and continue to show the world what fairy tales and folklore,looks like in real life.
    Thanks for sharing this shocking discovery Scott. This picture,for some reason affects me way different than your "monsters are real" footage. No doubt,that was a jolt to the mind. But this,I don't know. Maybe its just me. It's gonna be tough to get a quality nap in today,.lol.
