
Monday, July 16, 2012

The Justin Smeja Interview Released (I Killed Bigfoot - A Conversation With Justin Smeja (Full Movie) )

I will reserve comment on this interview and will post it because it is important to the "Bigfoot Community" and that flesh from one or both of the Bigfoot are reportedly used in the DNA Study.


  1. I listened in to one of his interviews once. I was hoping that hearing his side of the story would help me better understand his mind set. Instead, it only confirmed to me that he's a pretty low individual. Don't think I can stomach a video as well, but thanks.

  2. I wish you wouldn't reserve comment...yours are one of the few I actually want to hear!

    1. Thank you, but I have to behave right now because of the DNA study. I deplore what he did, I find no reason in his situation to pull that trigger. The ends do not justify the means!

  3. Scott as a life long hunter, This made me sick. I could
    not watch all of it. This has got to be the most useless
    SOB I have ever had the misfortue to hear. There is no
    rational reason for his actions. I'm sorry I ever turned
    it on. Even if it is all BS No way can it be justified.
    Self-Defense is one thing. This was not even close.

    1. I agree, he saw his target, clearly identified it, then still shot! All he had to do is slowly back out, get in the vehicle and leave, IMHO!
