
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Navajo Rangers Investigate Bigfoot - UFOs


  1. I previously watched these segments of the Navajo Rangers and found them very interesting. A lot of their old stories are based in fact, just as up here in the Northwest the Native Americans have their own fact based stories. Now I look in every wild place, of which there are many here, for signs of Sasquatch.

  2. I saw the show, these guys are straight-shooters and, thankfully, unencumbered by the fear of disrespect, ridicule and censorship that their counterparts in other law enforcement agencies are subject to.

  3. I watched the whole first season on netflix. The first two eps they showed their investigation on Bigfoot, they got eye shine in one of the caves then got called out on a case. They had received many claims of activity and sounds (even one of the ladies working in the dept.) claimed a couple of her dogs had been killed, she had seen the BF running in the valley below the mountains, and heard their calls. It was very professionally done. I look forward to the next season!
